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Hello guys a newcomer here in need of help :)


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I am new to swtor but not new on mmos, i started a sith warrior marauder up to lvl 22 now it has been fun, but since in every mmo i played i would like to have something to work with. Found out a build on the net for 4.0 which i think should be accurate but i cant find a solution to 1 of my questions: what crew skills (profession) for my build.

Some say they are needed some say they are useless, if any1 can give me a hand with anything would be great.


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I am new to swtor but not new on mmos, i started a sith warrior marauder up to lvl 22 now it has been fun, but since in every mmo i played i would like to have something to work with. Found out a build on the net for 4.0 which i think should be accurate but i cant find a solution to 1 of my questions: what crew skills (profession) for my build.

Some say they are needed some say they are useless, if any1 can give me a hand with anything would be great.



Hey there mate! First and foremost welcome to SWTOR and to the Sentinel/Marauder community :D To answer your question currently you can take any profession you want and be successful. None of the professions impact PvE or PvP play directly however depending on what you want to do in the game there are some that would be more lucrative for certain types of content.


BioChem/Bio Analysis/ Diplomacy


If you're looking to do raiding content or really any PvE content and want to be self sufficient then this is generally the best option. You'll be able to make all of your own Stims, Adrenals, Medpacks, etc. If you happen to be an old WoW player this would be comparable to Alchemy/Herbalisim in making your own potions/flasks etc.


Cybertech/Savaging/Underworld Trading


If you're goal is to do PvP then this may be the route to go as you'll be able to gain the ability to make grenades which essentially give you an extra AoE CC capability that can be employed on players (or adds in PvE). You'll gain your Adrenals and Medpacks through PvP content so you'd have to hit the market for your Stim or get a guild mate to push some to you.


Other professions


The ones remaining, in my opinion, are more or less gearing convenience professions. Depending on the profession you'd be able to make Armorings/Hilts/Barrels, Mods, Enhancements, Augments, Relics, Implants, and Earpieces as well as various gear shells (Biochem and Cybertech can make some of these). If this is more what you're looking for any one of the other professions will work. Keep in mind that each of those professions can only do some of the list i stated above, no profession can do all of them.


Hope that helps mate. My name's Hayete by the way. I maintain the 4.0 Combat Sentinel/Carnage Marauder guides so if you have any questions feel free to send them my way. Again, welcome and good luck!

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Hey there mate! First and foremost welcome to SWTOR and to the Sentinel/Marauder community :D To answer your question currently you can take any profession you want and be successful. None of the professions impact PvE or PvP play directly however depending on what you want to do in the game there are some that would be more lucrative for certain types of content.


Hope that helps mate. My name's Hayete by the way. I maintain the 4.0 Combat Sentinel/Carnage Marauder guides so if you have any questions feel free to send them my way. Again, welcome and good luck!


Hey apparently i am following ur guide here and in game :D

Thanks a lot for everything and its nice to be here in this amazing game :)

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