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The Hunger Games: STAR WARS Edition – Control Room


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OK, one thing to bear in mind however is that our Force users are unarmed, and have no access to lightsabers, so that means even if they acquire a weapon they won't be able to deflect blaster bolts, which could give the Bounty Hunters a significant advantage. Anyway with that in mind, are there any particular weapons these guys will go for?


Assuming Prime Boba he might go for an E-11, but he's also dual wielded blaster pistols in the past. There are also sonic blasters and flamewrothers (Bossk was known to use the latter) that might be effective against Force users.


The advantage the force users have in the bloodbath is their enhanced speed (getting them to the weapons first) and TK abilities, allowing them to disarm their non-force using opponents with relative ease.


Even Ezra, a relative novice, can disarm blaster wielding oppenents. It would be childs play for a Sith Lord or Jedi Master to do the same.


As for weapons, they are all probably diverse enough in their training to use whatever ranged weapon they get their hands on first.

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The advantage the force users have in the bloodbath is their enhanced speed (getting them to the weapons first) and TK abilities, allowing them to disarm their non-force using opponents with relative ease.


Even Ezra, a relative novice, can disarm blaster wielding oppenents. It would be childs play for a Sith Lord or Jedi Master to do the same.


As for weapons, they are all probably diverse enough in their training to use whatever ranged weapon they get their hands on first.

You are assuming that all non-Force users are created equal, its possible for a novice like Ezra to disarm Stormtroopers, but he would not succeed where Ahsoka failed in disarming Trandoshans while trapped on Trandosha, or disarming Jango when Kenobi could not on Kamino.


In fact many if not the majority of bounty hunters in this tournament have gone up against Force users, some Jedi, some Sith Lords, and not only managed to hold on to their weapons, but put up a good fight.


Just something to bear in mind, altogether that we should generalise the abilities of non-Force users.

Edited by Beniboybling
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You are assuming that all non-Force users are created equal, its possible for a novice like Ezra to disarm Stormtroopers, but he would not succeed where Ahsoka failed in disarming Trandoshans while trapped on Trandosha, or disarming Jango when Kenobi could not on Kamino.


In fact many if not the majority of bounty hunters in this tournament have gone up against Force users, some Jedi, some Sith Lords, and not only managed to hold on to their weapons, but put up a good fight.


Just something to bear in mind, altogether that we should generalise the abilities of non-Force users.


Obi-Wan couldn't disarm Jagno, because Jango was constantly attacking and moving. Not that he couldn't disarm him.


Which is what they need to do here, they have to constantly be attacking and moving to have any sort of chance so that the Force Users will be unable to use their Force Powers.


This of course also going by the fact they need all their gear to even do so, or a great amount of it. Just giving them a blaster will do jack ***


Which means Force Users have an advantage, if everyone starts unarmed and they have to run towards a center to get weapons/gear.


Guys with fists vs Guys who don't really need any weapons and could one shot the majority of them anyway with various abilities.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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OK, lets move on to our next set of tributes, Mandalore, a Wookiee and a Bounty Hunter.


Canderous Ordo

Legendary member of clan Ordo and remembered as Mandalore the Preserver, Canderous lives for battle and devoted his life to combat in the hopes of achieving honour and glory. He can be gruff, serious and distant, but Canderous is loyal to his allies and respects strength in whomever he sees it, even his enemies.


Skills: Skilled in various forms of weaponry, hand-to-hand combat trained, survival training, mind trick resistant, regenerative capabilities and temporary boosts to strength and stamina via cybernetic implants, 40 years of combat experience.


A brave and noble Wookiee, Chewbacca is a legendary warrior who while possessing a short temper and somewhat reckless attitude, has a compassionate heart and unwaveringly loyalty to his friends.


Skills: Expert in bowcaster handling, incredible strength, exceptional mechanic, dejarik master, exceptional tree climbing skills, good swimmer, strong sense of smell.


A fearsome bounty hunter of few words, Embo is a merciless fighter with skills rivalling that Cad Bane. Yet despite his occupation, his actions have suggested he possesses a rare sense of honour among outlaws.


Skills: Expert in bowcaster handling, skilled acrobat, hand-to-hand combat trained, skilled in throwing weapons, skilled animal handler.


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Chewie doesn't need weapons, brute strength + tree trunk ought to be all he needs to ambush some poor sucker in a forest and take theirs. He would obviously go for the forest biome. Preference for blaster rifles and melee weapons overall


Don't really know enough about Embo to say what he'd do.


Canderous would take what opportunity presents itself. He'd head to the lower tier, and would decided when to leave based on what is going on at the moment. Preference for ranged weapons.

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Yeah I'm not sure Chewie would even bother with the Cornucopia at all, he a great fighter but he doesn't enjoy violence, and with the some of the best survival skills and physical strength, he needs neither weapons nor supplies.


Yavin 4 isn't too dissimilar an environment to Kashyyyk, so its likely he'll make straight for the trees.


As for Embo, I could see him potentially joining up with the BH squad, as he has worked with Boba & Bane in the past.

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Embo's worked with more than just those two here though. If he does ally with them if things go wrong he could end up allied with someone else.


In regards to Chewie and Canderous. Chewie can do what he wants he has a certain set of skills that are practically perfect for the environment. Canderous, eh, sort of see him making a run for something close then gun for the nearest individual.

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Ah, my bad. And Boba might know of Canderous being of a famous clan and a former Mandalore.


However I doubt in these contexts they see each other as allies, more like worthy opponents/rivals.


EDIT: But yeah Canderous might not respect him as a real Mandalorian, especially considering his occupation as a bounty hunter.

Edited by Beniboybling
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Alright everyone our next set of candidates, two lethal Jedi killers and a snot-nosed brat. :)


Ezra Bridger

Growing up alone during the reign of the Galactic Empire, Ezra learned to rely on his street smarts and subconscious Force abilities to survive, making a living as a small time thief. Distrustful of others but with a profound sense of good, Ezra has become part of something bigger and begun to learn the ways of the Jedi.


Skills: Adept duellist, Force sensitive: animal friendship, skilled marksman, skilled mechanic.

Grand Inquisitor

The leader of feared Inquisitorius, this nameless Pau’an has been tasked to hunt down the remaining Jedi Knights. Always calm and calculating he is well versed in the abilities and weaknesses of the Jedi and revels in fighting them.


Skills: Highly skilled duellist: Makashi, capable in Dun Moch, Force sensitive: mental manipulation, extensive knowledge of the Jedi and their fighting forms.


[*TCW Grievous]


A brilliant military strategist and legendary Jedi hunter, Grievous is a former Kaleesh warrior turned cyborg. Cold and ruthless he lives only to see the Jedi die, never showing mercy or remorse. Yet despite his ingenious mind is often prone to arrogance and recklessness and easily loses his temper.


Skills: Expert lightsaber duellist: all seven forms/personalised form, hand-to-hand combat trained, skilled in various forms of blaster weaponry, inhuman speed, strength and agility, duranium body, trained Jedi killer, capable of running advanced combat algorithms via biocomputer, tactical ingenuity.


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