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Companion Conversations are Missing: Torian's Marriage Proposal is not Triggering


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I have been progressing through the Torian romance casually and had him about half way through his companion conversations when Fallen Empire was released.


Now that I have gone back to my BH and continued Torian's conversations the game still recognizes the romance but after the 3rd last conversation with him called "The Next Step" [which is romance, fade to black scene], the following conversation I should have with him while romanced should be "Family Commitments", which is the marriage proposal. However following the quest "The Next Step", the game skips the conversation "Family Commitments" and instead starts the final conversation "Bonds Stronger Than Blood".


I don't know if anyone else has had this problem with companions missing conversations since 4.0 but I do not want to miss out on my opportunity to progress through the conversations properly and especially on marrying Torian if it can be helped.


I have not tried to play through the conversation "Bonds Stronger then Blood" yet in fear that it will end all my dialogue with him and I will not have had the option to marry Torian. If anyone has done the final companion conversation with Torian in patch 4.0 while in a romance and the Marriage scene is now triggering after "Bonds Stronger Than Blood" [which is the scene where he says he is happy you came to Taris and that Family is more than blood] please let me know that way I can continue his conversations without fearing I have missed the marriage scene.

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Don't know if you're still curious - I think something is buggy about his conversations as I'm pretty sure at least two didn't trigger for me at all, however I can confirm that today I got the marriage proposal after having already completed 'Bonds Stronger than Blood'. The latter triggered just before I set out on the final mission, and the proposal triggered once we were back on the ship afterwards.
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Don't know if you're still curious - I think something is buggy about his conversations as I'm pretty sure at least two didn't trigger for me at all, however I can confirm that today I got the marriage proposal after having already completed 'Bonds Stronger than Blood'. The latter triggered just before I set out on the final mission, and the proposal triggered once we were back on the ship afterwards.


Thank you so much for reading and replying to my question! :):) If you say that the marriage proposal scene will trigger after the quest "Bonds Stronger than Blood", than I will continue playing that character! Thank you so much!


I'm sorry that some of your conversations didn't trigger at all :( Ever since 4.0 I have found the companion conversations to be buggy and in different orders, they really need to fix all the bugs they created since 4.0.

Edited by Jilinna
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  • 2 months later...

I'm in the same position.


I am missing several conversations with Torian--the one about teaching me to speak his language, as well as the proposal.


I also never got the "thank you" scene for letting him leave the ship.


I just now had the one where he talks about family being stronger than blood...and before that was our fade to black...so what? I'm good for a night of "shooting lessons" but not good enough to take home to Momma. (I know, I know lol)


I'm positively heartbroken.


I had already gone through the BH line with a character who chose to become a Mandalore. I didn't miss any conversations or anything that match up with that sequence.


I only created this character and went through leveling her up to see the OTHER side of the conversations since I had heard they were really different.


If different is missing half of them, then yes...definitely different.


I am hoping that I will still get the last scene with him before the end. We'll see. Good to know I am not the only one who is struggling with missing convos and proposals. I know a lot of people think it's crazy to care, but I love the story telling aspects and especially the romances as they are just so cute--and none more so right now than Torian. I'm SAD I haven't had the end.

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Wanted to update and say I finished Chapter 3 and sure enough, I got the marriage proposal AFTER the end of it, after the "forever" conversation...so it's weird, but did happen.


I never got the quest for teaching me to talk Mando, why did I tell Mandalore no, and the working a new shot conversations, but I am happy to at least have the closure for the relationship with the marriage! <3

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  • 1 month later...
There still missing a few conversations that I'd like to hear. if u want shorter quests that's fine. Just DON'T shorten companion conversations!! This is the main reason i play this game. no other has companion conversations.
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I have a bunch of alts who have a ton of companion conversations to now catch up on, and recently I was playing two bounty hunters. Both of them did Torian's conversations from start to finish in one go. One was female, refused Mandalore, romanced Torian, and the other was male and Mandalorian. I was surprised to see that the male got a bunch of conversations with Torian that my female never got. I assumed it was intentional though, and that maybe she either got romance convos in place of some of the mundane convos that my male got, or her not being Mandalorian affected it. I have also have a third BH (I know, I have a million chars by now) who was Mandalorian and romanced Torian, and I could see from some videos I saved that she also got convos that my second female never got. There are definitely differences though in how Torian interacts with you if you refuse Mandalore, so I assumed that this was intentional. For example, both my male and female Mandalorian BH's got the "let me teach you Mando" conversation, whereas my non-Mando BH didn't.


Actually I kind of got a kick out of one of my conversations. Torian seems to be very discomfited by the fact that he is in love with a non-Mando and said getting involed with my BH was going to cause "trouble." To which I could respond, "Are you afraid I'm going to break your heart?" And he said, "That and everything else." :D

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Thanks so much for sharing your experiences everyone!


I actually did two BH's--on one I became a Mando and on the other I didn't. Most of my conversations went the same apart from the non-Mando getting the language about "trouble" and BOTH of them got that STUPID "teach me to shoot" fade to black and not the one I saw where he is going to teach you to speak Mando'a...


SO disappointed.


I would roll another one to test it further but I can't imagine anything has changed and I am not a glutton for punishment despite how much I completely love and adore the BH story line!


I submitted a bug report on it but of course, nothing comes back from that.


I *want* those convos! lol


Thanks for understanding! haha <3

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While the situation sucks, I'm glad that I'm not alone in missing "Way of the Warrior" and the new shot quest. My suspicion is that they were meant to occur after the completion of Belsavis in the new story-driven model, but never triggered because Torian immediately disappears (if summoned) in the airlock after handing over Zallow and isn't available again until your Voss mission begins.


It's also worth pointing out that I did get Mako's "New Shot" cutscene, and since this is my first BH play-through, I'm not sure if that's normal. Perhaps the new influence system does come in to play somehow, and having higher affection with Mako derails Torian's quest progression.


My most recent conversations with him (occurring right before the Tyrant mission pre-Corellia) were "Mandalorian Iron" and "Kinship." The Mandalorian food quest was my most recent before those.


I'm left wondering whether the player's choices in Mako's "Testing the Waters" quest, in which she expresses interest in Torian, have something to do with the problem as well. I chose to discourage her right off the bat; I think that maybe that choice could have altered Torian's story progression by either slowing down or speeding up all his other cues.


I'll have to test my theories on an alt during the upcoming bonus XP event. What I'd really like is to hear from someone who DID trigger these missing quests post-4.0 (and the vanishing companion fix). By comparing notes, we could maybe find what might be an obvious solution or explanation.

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To answer a few questions: Mako's new shot conversation has always been available to everyone. I didn't do "Testing the Waters," I waited to talk to Mako until the romance with Torian was started and that conversation disappeared. I did have Torian with me at the end of Voss and had him disappear from the airlock, so I can't say if leaving him on the ship changes anything.
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To answer a few questions: Mako's new shot conversation has always been available to everyone. I didn't do "Testing the Waters," I waited to talk to Mako until the romance with Torian was started and that conversation disappeared. I did have Torian with me at the end of Voss and had him disappear from the airlock, so I can't say if leaving him on the ship changes anything.


Hmm, and from what I understand, the companion conversations don't normally trigger until the completion of the planetary arc. I did begin that airlock cut-scene with SCORPIO and in it my BH dismissed her with a nod and she went back to the ship. I exited out of the conversation right after that in order to summon Torian.


I've heard of others leaving the "Testing the Waters" quest alone and it disappearing, but I wasn't gonna pass up the chance to hear about Torian's arms (plus, I find Mako cute like a little sister and all conversations are fun). On my original BH, who hasn't completed Chapter 2 yet, I didn't discourage Mako and nothing seems to have come from it yet. I haven't played that toon in so long, I don't remember what the last conversation I had with Torian was, but I think it was either "War Stories," where he tells you that you remind him of Corridan Ordo, or "Talking Shop," which begins with Torian telling you he's been "watching you work." I'm not willing to progress further on that hunter though until the bug is addressed or fixed.

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Hmm, and from what I understand, the companion conversations don't normally trigger until the completion of the planetary arc. I did begin that airlock cut-scene with SCORPIO and in it my BH dismissed her with a nod and she went back to the ship. I exited out of the conversation right after that in order to summon Torian.


I've heard of others leaving the "Testing the Waters" quest alone and it disappearing, but I wasn't gonna pass up the chance to hear about Torian's arms (plus, I find Mako cute like a little sister and all conversations are fun). On my original BH, who hasn't completed Chapter 2 yet, I didn't discourage Mako and nothing seems to have come from it yet. I haven't played that toon in so long, I don't remember what the last conversation I had with Torian was, but I think it was either "War Stories," where he tells you that you remind him of Corridan Ordo, or "Talking Shop," which begins with Torian telling you he's been "watching you work." I'm not willing to progress further on that hunter though until the bug is addressed or fixed.


Oops, end of Belsavis. It depends on the companion, Torian's weren't separated by entire class planetary arcs. One popped after talking to Ambassador Yoran for the first time on Voss, for example and I just got one after finishing the quest in the first zone of Corellia.


In the interest of not potentially breaking things while trying to get this BH ready for Chapter 14 (given 4.0+ hasn't been the most bug-free experience), I left it alone.

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Oops, end of Belsavis. It depends on the companion, Torian's weren't separated by entire class planetary arcs. One popped after talking to Ambassador Yoran for the first time on Voss, for example and I just got one after finishing the quest in the first zone of Corellia.


In the interest of not potentially breaking things while trying to get this BH ready for Chapter 14 (given 4.0+ hasn't been the most bug-free experience), I left it alone.


Which one did you get on Corellia? I did "Brothers in Arms" just prior to embarking on that class mission, so I'm going to guess it was "The Next Step?" Unless the game backtracked and gave you "Target Practice," which I believe some people have still been getting in spite of the shuffled order.


Even if they do implement some kind of fix, I doubt it'll be retroactive. Not really their style, from what I've seen.


I'm going to believe that everything is going to be fine with Torian in Chapter 14 as long as you're happily married to him at the conclusion of the original content--other conversations notwithstanding.

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I don't know the names of the quests very well but it starts with, "Are you busy? I thought maybe you could give me some shooting lessons." There used to be an alternate version of it for Mandalorian BHs where he brought up promising to teach them Mando'a. It's a romance specific excuse for a fade to black.


Yeah, if you've passed the point where the conversations should appear it's probably too late even if they fix it. Still, it would be nice to have them back.


I prefer to err on the side of caution. No point risking messing up the flags when BioWare has had so much trouble with them since 4.0.

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I don't know the names of the quests very well but it starts with, "Are you busy? I thought maybe you could give me some shooting lessons." There used to be an alternate version of it for Mandalorian BHs where he brought up promising to teach them Mando'a. It's a romance specific excuse for a fade to black.


Yeah, if you've passed the point where the conversations should appear it's probably too late even if they fix it. Still, it would be nice to have them back.


I prefer to err on the side of caution. No point risking messing up the flags when BioWare has had so much trouble with them since 4.0.


That's a fair point. Have you seen this? While the posters were talking about their legendary status, I think it could apply to companion conversations as well:


"Since Game Update 4.3 went live, we discovered a bug that has prevented some of you from getting proper Legendary Player credit for Class storylines that you completed.


We investigated and found some missing triggers in the background. These can block some completed Class storylines from properly counting towards your Legendary Player status.


Because this bug is caused by a background trigger, Customer Service cannot restore Legendary Player status if you’ve been affected by this bug.


We did hope to have an automatic fix for you with Game Update 4.4 in May, but unfortunately this fix did not catch everyone who was affected. We’re aiming for a full fix with Game Update 4.5 on June 1st."


So these blocked background triggers could be causing companion conversation problems as well, especially where those conversations are dependent on a story-based trigger (such as choosing to join Mandalore's clan).

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I figure that anyone who will want to have those conversations will have to re-roll a character to get them. The issue I have to be honest is the idea of investing all of that time just to get the exact same results I have had. If I could just *poof* have the convos fine lol but it's a bit of work to get them through all three chapters.


That said....I love the BH line enough I'd do it a million times if someone told me I *would* end up with the missing conversations. I just want them that much!


I wondered if I did a new BH and then didn't do any conversations with any of my companions until I finished everything to where I would get them all at once--then I could follow the choices that the person in the video I watched made exactly as she made them to perhaps see if it changes anything?


This would AT LEAST rule out the idea that it's a missing trigger INSIDE the conversations basically. Since if I follow the video maker's responses precisely then I theoretically SHOULD get the same outcome.


If we ruled this out then we would know that it was something other than the responses in the convos themselves.


Can someone point me to a page that has all of the companion conversations listed by any chance? I've searched for this resource but haven't found it yet.


I am at least soothed that other people love this stupid game the way I do lol Torian is my favorite companion--because he is unique compared to a lot of the others. It's one of the reasons I lost my mind when my fade to black was the insane "teach me to shoot" conversation. Nothing about that conversation made ANY sense to how Torian handled ANYTHING in his life, let alone something as life-changing as that!


HUGGLES to all of you! I feel your pain! haha

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I wondered if I did a new BH and then didn't do any conversations with any of my companions until I finished everything to where I would get them all at once--then I could follow the choices that the person in the video I watched made exactly as she made them to perhaps see if it changes anything?


This would AT LEAST rule out the idea that it's a missing trigger INSIDE the conversations basically. Since if I follow the video maker's responses precisely then I theoretically SHOULD get the same outcome.


If we ruled this out then we would know that it was something other than the responses in the convos themselves.


There was someone also willing to try that on this forum post: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8944156


The player mentioned they'd get back to tell us about it in a couple days, so maybe we'll have a definitive answer! I have watched several videos now of the full-Mandalorian romance, and the only thing I did differently than most of the videos was to choose the *Flirt* option when Torian returns after going hunting (the flirt was something about having my "big strong hunter skin us a fur rug"). Some videos I saw chose the top option, which was to ask what a "zakkeg" was, and Torian explains that it's a Mando'a term. I don't know if that could be a missing trigger or not. Still, in at least one video, I watched a F!BH take that same flirt and still get the Resol'nare and "Target Practice" conversations.


I have noticed that even though I'm getting Torian's non-Mando conversations, everyone in my Class Story referred to me as "Mandalorian," not as "Hunter," which they would do if I chose to reject Mandalore the Vindicated (or so I've heard). On the other hand, the Planetary Story Arc NPCs call me "Hunter," but that could just be because those are more generic.


My suspicion, again, is that the missing conversations were set to trigger after the completion of Belsavis, but because of what happens immediately after, the trigger is "blocked" by the game. Once Torian is back on the ship, they still don't trigger, and instead the game proceeds as though they never happened, resulting in non-Mando conversations.


Can someone point me to a page that has all of the companion conversations listed by any chance? I've searched for this resource but haven't found it yet.


Here is a comprehensive list of quest titles, but the links don't work. If you have questions, I know most of them by heart by now lol, and I can tell you the order that I received them in-game. The way they are listed on this page is probably the way they would have appeared before 4.0, meaning that they triggered at the corresponding affection level and had nothing to do with story progression.




I am at least soothed that other people love this stupid game the way I do lol Torian is my favorite companion--because he is unique compared to a lot of the others. It's one of the reasons I lost my mind when my fade to black was the insane "teach me to shoot" conversation. Nothing about that conversation made ANY sense to how Torian handled ANYTHING in his life, let alone something as life-changing as that!


HUGGLES to all of you! I feel your pain! haha


I absolutely love Torian, he's probably tied with Vector as my favorite romance--and I completely agree that the "teach me to shoot" conversation is really out of character for him. I got to it and I was like, "Can we rewind to the making me Mando food?" That was way more romantic.


I'm curious what companion convos are exclusive to female bounty hunters. Do male BHs get the "Home Cooking" conversation? Additionally, that conversation and "Mandalorian Iron" strike me as being exclusive to choosing to be a Mandalorian. I'll have to investigate.

Edited by Shambolic
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So these blocked background triggers could be causing companion conversation problems as well, especially where those conversations are dependent on a story-based trigger (such as choosing to join Mandalore's clan).


I suppose we'd have to test after 4.5 is out to see if it fixed it.

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I suppose we'd have to test after 4.5 is out to see if it fixed it.


Yes, although fixing the blocked triggers that prevent Chapter 3 completion might not fix missing companion conversation triggers. As I mentioned in my other post, I have since completed Chapter 3 ("Number One With a Bullet") and while it did not grant any completion, Torian became available to my legacy along with all my other companions, indicating that I had indeed finished all conversations with him. I did not think to check on that after finishing "Bonds Stronger Than Blood" prior to finishing "Number One With a Bullet," but I assume the completion of that quest rather than the marriage one ("Family Commitments") that I did after "Number One With a Bullet" marked the end of his conversations requirements. There is one possible explanation: neither of the missing quests (currently) count towards Torian Cadera's unlock.


The implications, however, are not that simply assessed. Was this intentional? Does the game consider Mandalorian-specific conversations supplementary rather than integral, kind of like romantic conversations? Were those quests even Mandalorian-specific (I believe that "Ways of the Warrior" is Mando-specific and "Target Practice" is romance-specific, which would explain why I was granted the unlock without them; I may be incorrect)? Or were his conversations altered to further homogenize companions? That wouldn't make any sense, seeing as choices with far-reaching consequences in regards to other companions (Dark Side vs. Light Side Jaesa Willsaam, for instance) were left untouched.


I would love to hear back from someone on the development team on this, but CS has given me a hopeful reply to an earlier ticket:


"My name is Catharina from the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™-Customer Support, thank you very much for your kind response. I can absolutely understand your concerns regarding these companion conversations. As an MMO player myself, I always get very attached to my characters and their companions myself and any & all content featuring them matters. Please rest assured that we will investigate this and that I will pass your information along. As far as I am aware, there shouldn't be any similar issues with other companions but to see what has been changed, esp. with Patch 4.0, it's always best to keep an eye on our Patch Notes here: http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes Happy gaming!"

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That reply is encouraging. I haven't leveled all the classes since 4.0 but Torian is the only character I've seen missing conversations on. I don't know why they'd want to make the Mandalorian and non-Mandalorian conversation paths the same though. It doesn't seem like a good idea to reduce the significance of a player choice.


I'm fairly certain "Target Practice" was available to everyone the same way Mako's version of the conversation is. "Ways of the Warrior" was Mando specific. I've seen someone say they didn't get the non-Mando version of "Ways of the Warrior" where Torian asks why they chose not to join Mandalore.

Edited by leviathanmirror
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That reply is encouraging. I haven't leveled all the classes since 4.0 but Torian is the only character I've seen missing conversations on. I don't know why they'd want to make the Mandalorian and non-Mandalorian conversation paths the same though. It doesn't seem like a good idea to reduce the significance of a player choice.


I'm fairly certain "Target Practice" was available to everyone the same way Mako's version of the conversation is. "Ways of the Warrior" was Mando specific. I've seen someone say they didn't get the non-Mando version of "Ways of the Warrior" where Torian asks why they chose not to join Mandalore.


That's solid info. Sounds to me like the FTB's lines are dependent on "Ways of the Warrior." The one we're getting is most likely the default (shooting lessons), since the outcome of "Ways" determines which cutscene happens. Without being able to accept Mando'a lessons, the game assumes we failed to make that conversation choice. Still doesn't explain why both the Mando and non-Mando quests aren't appearing, though (along with "Target Practice").


Because this thread has evolved beyond its original parameters, I'm probably going to make a new post in this forum linking to this thread and the other, just in case the development team blows through here to take stock before 4.5 goes live.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just hope that they will be able to get back the missing conversations. I'm holding of starting a Bounty Hunter until I know that they are back.


Haven't played through this story before and I don't want to miss out. Keeping fingers crossed that it will be fixed at sometime soon!

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So...I have been considering something about all of this that I actually find disturbing if my thoughts are true.


Spoilers for the latest chapter below:




So...I played through on my first BH through the newest chapter. I won't go into how happy she was to get Torian back (Squeeeeee) BUT there IS something that happens that I think could be related to this issues we are seeing with Torian's conversations.


Torian can no longer be equipped with an electrostaff, if that's what it was, I can't remember BUT I I know this because I purchased with cartel coins the Cathar Staff (can't remember if it is a tech or electro staff but I think electro), put a stone in it that matched his armor and LOVED the noise it made and watching him throw himself into battle!


Since the newest chapter, that item can not be equipped on him as now it will only accept his firearm. I'm wondering if the change from conversations to force you into the "shooting lessons" was to set up the fact that Torian would ONLY be using a firearm from now on. On one of the other planets...Makeb maybe, or perhaps Rishi...I'd have to look he made a curious exclaimation that I had never heard before which was alone the lines of "Whooeeee! I should have brought my rifle!!" Again, pointing toward them pushing the firearm route, since this was NOT a normal phrase for him before the newer content.


If that's it, it's shady at best, and overly manipulative at worst. I paid real money for that staff and I loved him with it. I know there have been people who say that he should have had a gun. I get it, but I have seen sources that say that Mandalorians do use staffs and electrostaffs specifically, though I don't have it right on the top of my noggin. Personally, Torian using the staff proves his prowess far more than a ranged weapon ever could, his innate skills at hand to hand combat and his desire to prove himself through throwing himself in harms way in the thick of battle. The gun situation is a huge disappointment to me.


If the changes to the conversation were to usher in this change all I can say is shame on them! We should revolt.




I did submit a ticket and subsequently a bug report when the rep said that the issue I described was a bug and needed to be reported. I feel like even if it IS a bug, it will not be a high priority to fix it.



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Oh, and the other bug I reported to them in respect to Torian was that if you click on him after the new chapter he speaks his lines, but his facial expressions and mouth do not move at all. It's really odd, and was an accident that I discovered it. He's like a stone wall now haha
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