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Gree Op is completely broken


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1. Locked out of Xeno HM after completing SM or vice versa.

2. Not getting rewards from Xeno like Gree rep artifacts or Helix components.





Edit* I'm a ahole; I will admit when im wrong. Thank you bioware for your fast response.

Edited by ShredderStatus
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1. Locked out of Xeno HM after completing SM or vice versa.

2. Not getting rewards from Xeno like Gree rep artifacts or Helix components.




but you all at EAware don't care about ops... so I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say this is not going to get fixed.

I'm seeing reports of this in chat, but on Harbinger i did 16-person SM Xeno on my marauder and it does not say I'm locked out of HM when I check in my mission tab, and I got the artifact rep token and the helix components from SM boss. The helix components not dropping bug sometimes occurs if the boss is configured for 8-person even if the phase is set for 16 person, and that bug predates 2.0.


Anyone know if the player kills are counting toward the achievements, that was broken last time since the achievements require Bolster to be active and Bolster doesn't exist anymore because of Level Sync.

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There is something about this game that is not broken?

No, there isn't. And if you look at the absolutely laughable "patch" that was 4.0.4, that's not going to change either. There will be a plethora of new bugs in early February though.


I've honestly given up on reporting bugs. "None" (statistically speaking, with a very small error) of the blatantly obvious issues I've reported since beta have been fixed, and IMO the helpless fidgeting with the recent events just shows that Bioware don't really have an appropriate team left on the game. If it weren't for peer pressure…

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PVP kills aren't counting towards the achievement. Again. Do we have to wait for the event to run AGAIN or can you fix the planetary bolster to pvp bolster by simply resetting the servers?


I don't think pvp is their priority right now... (it's been 4 weeks)


They'll probably fixing the op asap though...

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I don't think pvp is their priority right now... (it's been 4 weeks)


They'll probably fixing the op asap though...


Well, they should really get them both fixed at the same time because of how some of the problems are related. Half of the issue with the OP, and event in general is the way character levels scale now. Before the event had it's own bolster to bring everyone up to the appropriate level for all event content, including Xeno.

Now in the open world part of Ilum, everyone is scaled to lvl 52, while all of the PvP achievements require the event bolster which no longer exists and is why they don't work. While the phase for Xeno no longer provides any bolster and is simply lvl65, preventing anyone below that from being able to contribute to the raid.

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Cannot confirm this, we killed Xeno on SM and HM today without any issues. Sounds like the OP was running into the lockout problem that has been happening since at least 3.0 but the bug does not lie with Xeno. Edited by Jerba
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