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Powertech story (Asking for spoilers)


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So I started playing this game again, I chose to play Bounty Hunter as that was the class I most played last time and the class I knew best, only this time I chose Powertech instead.

Anyway I played the class story up until I had to go to Hoth and then got caught up in chasing Revan, he's been one of my favourite Star Wars characters since I play KoTOR and I wanted to see where that lead me and then I just kept on playing, in the end right before I was going to start KoTFE I was asked if I was sure because I had unfinished story and could not return to my previous point, at that time I figured I had skipped something in that story so I asked around but everybody told me to be sure I had fought Revan, faced the Emperor at Ziost etc and I had done all that so of course I pressed yes, it wasn't until later I realized it was talking about my class story.

So as the title says I'm hoping some of you fellow SWTOR players can fill me in on what I missed in the class story, I just don't want to start a new Bounty Hunter class and do all that over again so what happens on Hoth and afterwards?

And does Mako find out about her past? For some reason that part kind of got to me.

And also does that Mandalorian sob Tarro Blood show up again? I remember the part when we were on that ship and he was caught in a cell, later when I had to run for it I passed those cells and the one he was in was suddenly empty so I had a feeling he would show up down the road.

Thanks in advance.

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Well, actually I recommend to make a new character and see the story yourself, as all the stories deserve this. But it is obvious and not very helpful.)

So, about the rest of the story. Murder and mayhem... ahem, story and spoilers ahead.


so what happens on Hoth and afterwards?

Let's see... On Hoth you hunt down a notorious pirate, and acquire Blizz as companion. That is especially bad to miss, as Blizz is funny as I don't know what and with the charge of cheerfullness, exceeding Death Star's blast.

But after Hoth everything goes in the other direction. Remember the Jedi you've killed in the final of Act I? His friend Jun Seros, a high-ranking Jedi, is still for revenge. He makes an ambush when you are called to Nar Shaddaa party, and kills all the previous Great Hunt champions (except Mandalore, of course), but they make his team pay dearly for this. Failing to kill the Hunter, Seros persuades the Supreme Chancellor declare the Hunter enemy of the Republic and put a half-false list of all his crimes and place a bounty of many millions on him. Mind, though, that the Chancellor was played - he honestly didn't know that lots of these things were falsified and Seros was only for revenge. And yes, it was Janarus still, not Saresh.

Act III goes under the shadow of Darth Tormen, the Sith who proposes the Hunter the chance to avenge the Champions and clear his name. Not for free, of course, Tormen has you travel to Belsavis and Voss to remove targets from his own list. On Corellia you finally face Jun Seros... and then there is the choice, as Tormen sends the Hunter to kill the ambushed Chancellor.

You may kill the Chancellor. You may make a deal with him and kill Tormen instead. I did the latter, because, honestly, I respected the Chancellor more than Tormen. Your name is cleared anyway, as Janarus found out about deception and made all the arrangements even before you make a decision.

And does Mako find out about her past? For some reason that part kind of got to me.

Gradually it becomes clear that she was part of the Republic clone project, which had gone wrong (as always). Coral, one of the Mako's similes, claims that she is the original, and Mako is just a copy, when you confront her at the end of character's story - but it is hard to say whether it is the truth or not. At least you part ways with agent Izak of SIS on friendly terms.

Sadly, this story seems unfinished.

And also does that Mandalorian sob Tarro Blood show up again? I remember the part when we were on that ship and he was caught in a cell, later when I had to run for it I passed those cells and the one he was in was suddenly empty so I had a feeling he would show up down the road.

If you are in the Act II, then Tarro is dead. Either blown up with the ship, or killed by your own hand, but he never appears again.


I hope it could be of some help)

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You may kill the Chancellor. You may make a deal with him and kill Tormen instead. I did the latter, because, honestly, I respected the Chancellor more than Tormen. Your name is cleared anyway, as Janarus found out about deception and made all the arrangements even before you make a decision.

I didn't do either of these options, as I carbonized Chancellor and delivered him to Tormen. After that my BH walks out though, as he didn't want to remain in Tormens employ. I dont remember anything about clearing BH's name though. That only applies to republic anyway. I assumed that the republic bounty on BH's head remains.



Sadly, this story seems unfinished.

I dont think it is unfinished as such, but left intentionally vague. You get some information about Mako's background, but no details.


Edited by Karkais
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