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[Problem] "Basic" Classstory - Undo Mistake?


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Hey there everybody!


I came all the way from Germany to ask you guys a question and hope with my all heart that you have a positive answer for me. From what I hear the english part of the forum is a bit bigger and faster and I am used to play this game in english anyway, wherefore I hope I am welcome here?


A word of warning; The following text contains spoilers for the Imperial Agent "basic" Storyline. You have been warned!


About my problem then; I just recently learned that it is possible to finish the Imperial Agent "basic" Storyline as an actual doubleagent for the Republic. As a genuine fan of doubleagents and the Republic ways in general, I found this quite appealing and wanted to experience the possible the future implications of this decision. I therefore decided, even though my private life does not really allow it at the moment, to create a new Imperial Agent and become a doubleagent.

Now everything went on smoothly until I reached Corellia. Amidst all the fighting and blowing buildings up, I accidently chose a "neutral" instead of a "light" dialogue option towards Arden at the very end of the Corellia-Story-Arc. (I chose to ask for his trust instead of giving him a full sitrep with the enemy being on the run, to be precise.) Not realising the implications of my neutrality, I only met Arden again aboard the enemy ship about 10 minutes later. But as I was hoping for a job offer, Arden turned and left me standing there without even the slightest hush of me switching sides.


Without much futher ado, here is my ultimate question to you: Is there any possibility for me, the game support or anyone else around here (Musco - is that you?) to undo my mistake and release me from this pitiful state? Maybe it is possible to reset (part of) my Class Story, so that I can play the Corellia Arc again? Or anything else really? I am open to any solution and would be most grateful for any kind of help you could offer, because without being a doubleagent, there is no point in continuing to play my agent, whom I genuinely came to like during the last weeks, anymore. (The option to reset the quest in my questlog obviously is no longer available. :/)


Best wishes from Germany,


(Doubleagent in spirit)

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Ouch, that sucks, and I suspect the answer is no. You could call them and ask, but I really doubt it, to the best of my knowledge, they won't roll anything back, so unless you can reset the mission, your stuck with your choice.


Your other option is to re run another Agent at some point.

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I DID actually flip on my second Imp Agent. I'm attempting to flip again on my latest agent. I did everything right (let Kothe live, tell him about the Star Cabal on Corellia, gave him the Black Codex) and he walked away without asking me to flip. I reset the mission (had to go to DK to do it) and I've started it over again. Your post makes me reluctant to finish just yet. I WANT to flip on this character. It's part of his overall story for him to do it. I don't know why Bioware would take that out.


If that's going to be fixed in the new patch, I'll wait until after to redo the quest. If you haven't turned in the quest to the Minister on Tenebrous, you can still reset the quest. If you've finished the storyline, however, you probably won't be able to re-do the quest and they probably won't reset your agent so you can start over again on Corellia or even the Tenebrous. I'm sorry.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay, after much frustration, I figured out how to get Koethe to ask you to flip. You have to be at least Light I when you start the final quest. If you're not, he'll only wish you well and leave. That was the only thing I could think of that would make a difference, so I farmed LS points until my agent was Light I instead of neutral. This time, Koethe made the offer. So I was finally able to finish the fricking quest.


If you've already completed the quest, you can't change it. If you didn't turn it in, you can still reset the quest (provided you're not at the Star Chamber). Just make sure you get your agent to Light I. Hope this helps!

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Hey there everybody!


I am used to play this game in english anyway, wherefore I hope I am welcome here?



Best wishes from Germany,


(Doubleagent in spirit)



Of course, don't be silly! :)


The others have answered your question, though and I cannot offer further insight. Happy gaming!

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