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<NERD RAGE> and You


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The only time I've ever spoken to you m8 you seemed pretty chill and you were in TS with us the other night, so let me say this right now. I'm a cynical person mkay? CLEARLY you all took my little comment on the first page way too seriously. To tell the truth it's been a while since I've seen someone get so flustered over a tiny little jab at them. Now with that out of the way, let's make it abundantly clear that my usual self wants to just go right on and make a snide remark, but instead I'm actually going to be the mature adult and not do that. Rather, like I tried to do in my last post, I'd like for all of us to get over each other and ourselves. You're all new faces and there's no reason for all of us to be going for each others throats right now. So whether or not y'all feel like you can be mature enough for that, I'm done with this pointless and, frankly, childish banter that we've all fallen into.

Edited by Hei_Atzfel
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Lol dude that comes on our thread to start **** asking us to be nice and get over ourselves. Classic.


Sad little boy crying about the big bad nasty people touching him in his no-no.


I do feel a little sorry. :(

Edited by Jherad
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Sad little boy crying about the big bad nasty people touching him in his no-no.


I do feel a little sorry. :(


You mean that time how every time you've been on the other team from me I've won? Oh right, not going to mention that because then people couldn't feel all high and mighty.


Lol dude that comes on our thread to start **** asking us to be nice and get over ourselves. Classic.


See, this right here is exactly my point. Claiming to be 'mature adults' is all well and good until you show your true colors. Most PvP'ers I know don't get so flustered over a little jab, but at the same time most that I know also don't have a god complex and think they're some high and mighty power. If anything has come out of this thread it's that you really need to get over yourself. Get something called a sense of humor and learn to laugh off stuff. Like really, if you get this angry over something on an online forum I fear to see how much you'd go off at someone for something in real life. Unless of course you're one of those types that feel empowered by being behind a keyboard. I suppose it doesn't matter, but thanks for letting me know just how petty and self absorbed you really are. it's nice to know which people have a stick they need to remove but likely never will.

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I'm done with this pointless and, frankly, childish banter that we've all fallen into.


No, let's be perfectly clear here. YOU started this ****. Scuttle off, or apologise. But don't try pinning it on anyone but yourself.


I will happily assume the best of anyone, especially if I've had a chat with them in TS. But this ********ery is of your own making.

Edited by Jherad
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So back on point, if you like causing nerds to rage were probably the guild for you.




Moving on!


Back to the topic at hand, we're looking for a couple of good players (with potential and commitment to learn) to hopefully fill up a ranked roster. If we can organise some group ranked here that is.

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To Xanatos, and the broken epeens of Hackers. (This obviously excludes reasonable people we have had nothing but awesome experiences with)


So im hearing all about the behind the scenes drama, and its really sad. First let me say that im sorry that i can't be online to babysit all of you and help you hold hands but im attending to my real children.


That being said, im going to take a moment to take my chair and say the doctor is in. Heres the thing. We came to this server after being gone since before 4.0 dropped. We have played on nothing but pvp servers and have competed at the highest levels. You know what sucks about those environments? The constant crying and epeen contests. We came here thinking this server would be a much smaller environment of people who play to have fun, not cry all day about stupid crap like this.


You are, right at this moment, running two sorcs two juggs - often times running sorc heals and tanks. So your FOTM bs is really tired. The reality is, youre players that have been playing in a setting where being decent makes you great. We came here, and youre looking for any reason to explain away why we perform better than you in general. The reason is experience. Of course there will be times when you beat us, were not infallible and were a small guild. As Chasso said earlier, we cant be everywhere in reg 8s. But my guess is people are upset because people from your guild want to play with us, and that feels threatening to you. On our first day one of your guys helped us make our guild tag and stuck around. We call him the mascot because we know he isnt looking for a circle of friends with us. The second i asked point blank about being in hackers, making it clear we didnt want bad blood, that this alt wasnt going to cause issues. I said, and i quote, "we like hackers and dont want any drama".


Apparently our mere presence is enough for the more vocal members of your guild to want to come on our recruitment thread and start it. Continued by a guild master who apologizes then criticises my choosing to play a sorc healer (for almost my entire swtor career) while running some of the most fotm groups ive ever seen. The bottom line is your egos are hurting and you want any reason to try to explain it all away. So please, give it a rest. We really arent looking for your ******** high school games.

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*sigh* that moment when you try to resolve issues but everyone would rather try to belittle people, so much for mature. When you respond immaturely to an immature issue, you are thus, immature. I've been trying to resolve the issue with Cypher and I do believe we semi fixed it, though the maturity on your end seems to have been lost somewhere between ************ about someone doing something not okay and boosting your own ego. That said, you're good pvpers, although with more ego issues than hackers and thats sayin something lol. I'd love to have a legit conversation with each and every one of you, in a mature fashion.
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Xanatos you should really get a handle on your own guild before accusing others of immaturity for standing up to it.


The first thing you said to me on this server was "were the best and we only take the best", and were elitist/egotistical? Please. If you guys wanna continue to live in your victim fantasy world thats on you, but people already see what you are. Cry babies who will look for any excuse for a loss. I find your sorc healer with two juggs and another sorc calling one sorc a dps jugg and a merc cheesy particularly funny. The butthurt is real.

Edited by Rooey
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Our guild has the matter under control, more under control than your own tempers it would seem, you complain about how your recruitment post is not the place for bashing and yet you are now the bashers. Not sure how we're the ones at fault now but if you say so, so much for the mature crowd your recruitment post promises.
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Our guild has the matter under control, more under control than your own tempers it would seem, you complain about how your recruitment post is not the place for bashing and yet you are now the bashers. Not sure how we're the ones at fault now but if you say so, so much for the mature crowd your recruitment post promises.


Give me hand jobs, Xanatos. Paying 50k.

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Please xanatos, show me where i lost my temper or was immature. We can certainly post plenty of screenshots of your own commentary and that of your guildies. I know this may be hard to grasp but coming onto a thread and saying the exact opposite of what your behavior is is called hypocrisy. I logged on to immature comments from your sorc heals, screen shots of the ridiculous things youve been saying to my guildies. But please, by all means, continue to act innocent. Wont be long till you guys just stop queueing all together since you log after one loss lol.
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And just for clarification since youve already mistaken me for chasso and cypher, there are 3 of us. The names arent hard to keep straight.....oh but you "dont know me", like the last two times ive tried to talk to you in game.
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Please xanatos, show me where i lost my temper or was immature.


Now now, we both know that if you can't take equal blame for Sae's ****tardery, or accept that after all he does 'have a point', then you're just being immature.


I for one always expect people to be nice to me after I've left a steaming turd on their front lawn.

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