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So...why'd they remove the point-blank Force leap option?


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Force Melt will generate the same amount of focus now. Upside is it does a lot more damage than force leap, the challenge is, it has only 10m range instead of 30m.


But: For that reason Force Leap is not part of the sustained damage rotation anymore, instead Force Melt has taken its spot. Which means that Force Leap will always be ready to use for transition to your next target.If you happen to be closer than 10m you can either walk out a bit and use leap from 10m+ or simply use Force Melt for the transition.


If none of that works (meaning you're closer than 10m, Force Melt is not available and you can't get to 10m range quickly), you can also open with Force Stasis on your next target or, if you have enough focus, Blade Storm.


The reason they did it that was that Watchman rotation simply had too many abilities to design a smooth rotation, so they had to eliminate one. Force Leap was probably chosen since it has always been problematic that the skill repositioned your toon. If you e.g. had the perfect position to avoid Ruugar's Landmines or Kell Dragon's spit and the likes, Leap change you position and placed you in stupid ;-) Thankfully that doesn't happen anymore and Sentinels can position their toon as precisely as all other melee dps.

Edited by Ardarell_Solo
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probably because they couldn't fix the revan core where you jumped back..then rend gives focus.


Contrary to popular belief, that's not bugged at all. The core cant be charged, charging it causes you to fall back as intended. The problem was that this fight mechanic ruined Watchman sents' rotations.

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Yes the positioning! Boy how many times I died on Nefra because of this(got re-positioned right into the big red circle :D ).


Also consider that with Charge there is an Interrupt, which can mess up for example the NiM Draxus fight. Yes there is/was workaround for that(switching targets after Charge), but still 1 error and you vipe the group. Personal opinion is that the class plays smoother now. Or elegant.

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