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[Inquisitor] What do you think Khem will do now he is free? (Spoilers for Khem Story)


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For a while I have been wondering about when we will get Khem back. At first I thought he would come back pretty quick, as he is oath bound to serve the Inqusitor, but then I realised that he will probably appreciate his new found freedom in a period of time that he has not yet had a chance to truly explore. Depending on if you hurled abuse at him or treated him as an equal it could quite easily go either way. There is also the question of if it is still Khem or if it is Zash (I assume it is possible to turn him permanently into Zash, but I dislike her so much I don't even want to try and find out). I don't believe that Zash would be in any hurry to go back to serving the Inquisitor. I would presume that Khem would be the canon choice for the purposes of the other classes finding Khem, especially given that 2/3 of the conversation dialogue choices during the Khem storyline consist of you siding with Khem over Zash. I believe it will take another duel to get him back, at least for the other 7/8 classes, to explain why he would serve anyone other then the inquisitor while the inquisitor may get to tell him to fall in if they treated him well enough. I would imagine during the 5 years Khem val would have been fighting the Infinite Empire yet, either from respect for his *dead* master or because its as good an enemy to fight as any. Zash would likely have taken no interest whatsoever and set about building a powerbase and working towards her own ends.


What do you guys think? When and under what circumstances do you think we will get our Dashade back? What do you think he / she will have been doing during this time?

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Yes you can side with Zash over him and she take over his body for good . I did it on one of my Sorc .


If he is bound to you (be it zash or khem) , then he should know if you are dead no ? and that would free him .


So dunno , me ? I like to think khem would be looking for you (if you choose him over zash) , and if its zash I like to think she is trying to find a way to switch body :p again , since while khem body is powerful , she did say she plan of finding a new body and I dont see her stay bound to the Sorc forever (unless you make her) .


Maybe she is even taking care of your cult on Nar shaddaa . And khem could be on Dromun taking or watching over your base there (and office , wich we won fair and square *sit on Tetanos chair* :D) .

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I have the vibe that, to truly solve the problem of people choosing Khem or Zash, we will probably find them locked again in some sort of mind-battle for control. So we get to choose again, somewhat, and they cover all their bases with very little effort (some minor voice and dialog changes for either Khem was dominant, Zash was or if the conflict remained unsolved the last time we saw them)


But I see him battling the Infinite Empire, if only just because they are the most numerous and available Force Users nowadays.

Edited by Cicgnar
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