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I wanna be like Kylo Ren.


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Daaamn...good reply! I agree on Rey...very cool idea!!!


Maul would have never been much, he was too stupid...great character, but he had the brains of a Gungan. Christopher Lee made Dooku seem great...with a voice like his, how can anything he play not seem powerful? But his character was never developed much...just kinda thrown in to be another bad guy to kill. 1-3 were very disappointing with how quickly bad guys rose and fell.


I think Maul was only ever intended as Palpatine's attack dog, an asset that could be thrown away (as Palpatine seemed willing to do with all of his assets) when a more promising student (Anakin) came along.

Maul was all about the physical prowess (martial arts and a new sabre type) and menace (red and black face markings with horns, devil like).


Count Dooku was the schemer and I always felt a bit let down by how CGI'd the fight was in EP III (the tumble from the balcony was laughable), although the EP II fight set a high standard. It seems a shame the character was so easily out manoeuvred in the end :/


I hope in Episode VIII we'll get more backstory and an insight into the relationship between Snoke and Kylo Ren. A proper in depth examination of the interaction between master and apprentice with the counter point of Luke and Rey.

Let the anthology movies of Rouge One and Han Solo's origin carry the big Star Wars explosions, let EPVIII explore the lore of Sith and Jedi to reestablish just what is canon.

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i actually have my character inspired as much as i can by him.... i am really suprised that they haven't released kylo Ren's Lightsaber in the cartel market , for a marketing thing or w/e ... and also that kylo ren's armor and weapon are actually VERY old items... supposivly so it would fit.. if disney was to right and make the old republic canon... why can't they have cross hilt sabers... but yea.. even his armor i would love.... man... but i see the hilt or a cross hilt being added before the kylo ren armor.... LETS SCREAM for it... and get it in... cause we know disney has to ok everything in the game now.... so lets hope they add this stuff or some of it FTW,,,, Plus 10 to poster


Thanks man :)

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If they give you that, then I want the light whip for my sith!

Given that it's EA, they will tell you that such a thing is too complicated to animate and will give your Sith a pee walk instead (as seen in Sims 4 in regards to animals in the outdoors pack.)

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