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Mission Log Neccessary Improvements


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The Mission Log currently in-game is wrought with bugs and is cumbersome. The hopes of this post, is to provide a basic discussion platform to build from, to truly make the mission log a great tool for the player base. Improvements will increase mission completion counts and will no doubt add increased subscriptions.


The Following is a list of changes and problems with current mission log


Primary Function of mission log is to state what needs to be done, not give a back history

Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.

List of missions should never have the ability to sort by mission level

List of missions should not have location of where it starts, or starting location

Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours

Enhanced Mission Log prevents a player from doing anything that requires mission. i.e pvp if log is full

Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full

Disable Reset/Abandon once mission begins. Delete should be only option. No Do-overs

Flashpoint missions should not auto-create a mission entry, player should be locked out of all missions

Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory

Other missions picked up will require either in-game confirmation to delete a character or mission

Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3

Additional missions slots can be purchased but requires 1 Character Slot on server

Slots can also be purchased for 10,000cc

Slot purchases are per character and can never be purchased account wide


These Changes to the mission log will not only increase value and added content to the game, but should increase story commitment and overall intrigue about character progression

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The Mission Log currently in-game is wrought with bugs and is cumbersome. The hopes of this post, is to provide a basic discussion platform to build from, to truly make the mission log a great tool for the player base. Improvements will increase mission completion counts and will no doubt add increased subscriptions.


The Following is a list of changes and problems with current mission log


Primary Function of mission log is to state what needs to be done, not give a back history

Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.

List of missions should never have the ability to sort by mission level

List of missions should not have location of where it starts, or starting location

Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours

Enhanced Mission Log prevents a player from doing anything that requires mission. i.e pvp if log is full

Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full

Disable Reset/Abandon once mission begins. Delete should be only option. No Do-overs

Flashpoint missions should not auto-create a mission entry, player should be locked out of all missions

Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory

Other missions picked up will require either in-game confirmation to delete a character or mission

Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3

Additional missions slots can be purchased but requires 1 Character Slot on server

Slots can also be purchased for 10,000cc

Slot purchases are per character and can never be purchased account wide


These Changes to the mission log will not only increase value and added content to the game, but should increase story commitment and overall intrigue about character progression


Going to disagree with you on almost every point.


Primary Function of mission log is to state what needs to be done, not give a back history


Do don't read it. I like to read it. Story is what makes this game 100% better than most.


Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.


If you want at most, 3, fine. But don't take away my ability to que every mission on a planet before doing them, if I so choose. There are what, 11 heroics on Nar Shadaa? If I want them all at once, that is my choice. My choice does not hurt you, so back off.


List of missions should never have the ability to sort by mission level




List of missions should not have location of where it starts, or starting location


Again, why? I know most people hated it, but I loved the pointer on Oblivion. I remember spending hours on Morrowind trying to find the correct location based off a horrible journal entry. I think that is the only reason I never went back to it, even though originally I had over 500 hours on it. Same thing here.


Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours


Again, you are telling me how to play my game. If I want to help out a guildy for a while, how does it hurt you?


Enhanced Mission Log prevents a player from doing anything that requires mission. i.e pvp if log is full


Are you saying it currently does?


Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full




Disable Reset/Abandon once mission begins. Delete should be only option. No Do-overs


I have had buggy quests so many times since release. Reset has been the recourse that works 9 out of 10 times. And again, you are telling me how to enjoy my game I pay for.


Flashpoint missions should not auto-create a mission entry, player should be locked out of all missions


I join a fp from my solo play on planets. I like that I don't have to go all the way to the fleet to get the mission. So again, quit telling me how to play.


Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory


Then do it because you were "ordered" to. If I want to cancel a quest with horrible rewards, that is my choice.


Other missions picked up will require either in-game confirmation to delete a character or mission


Really confused by what you are saying. It looks like jumbled thoughts.


Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3


Already said. Guess you really want to force your way on us.


Additional missions slots can be purchased but requires 1 Character Slot on server


Again, why?


Slots can also be purchased for 10,000cc


Now you are giving them a way to make more money? Please devs, never read this!



As I am rereading this, I am hoping this post was made in jest, or as a troll. No matter what, I hope the devs never implement a single thing in it.

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  • 7 months later...


Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.


Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours


Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full


Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory


Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3



If anything the number of missions in the mission log should be increased. I currently have a mission requiring me to us group finder to do a random flashpoint. I don't see the purpose of doing a flashpoint if it isn't my flashpoint. I cannot activate all of the flashpoints, there will be three that I will have to chance it, and hope I do not get.


If you remove the ability to help with a mission you don't have, then there wouldn't be very many people helping, and that defeats the entire purpose of MMORPGs.


Increasing the number of missions able to be tracked would solve that. And since my having a full log does not hurt you, I don't see why you are complaining.


Removing rewards from missions would not make them very attractive now would it.


There should not be any "maximum". I should be able to queue up as many missions as I see fit. I am not hurting anyone by doing so. And I also like to queue up an entire planets worth of missions before embarking. That way I can do multiple missions at the same time.

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The Mission Log currently in-game is wrought with bugs and is cumbersome. The hopes of this post, is to provide a basic discussion platform to build from, to truly make the mission log a great tool for the player base. Improvements will increase mission completion counts and will no doubt add increased subscriptions.


The Following is a list of changes and problems with current mission log


Primary Function of mission log is to state what needs to be done, not give a back history

Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.

List of missions should never have the ability to sort by mission level

List of missions should not have location of where it starts, or starting location

Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours

Enhanced Mission Log prevents a player from doing anything that requires mission. i.e pvp if log is full

Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full

Disable Reset/Abandon once mission begins. Delete should be only option. No Do-overs

Flashpoint missions should not auto-create a mission entry, player should be locked out of all missions

Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory

Other missions picked up will require either in-game confirmation to delete a character or mission

Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3

Additional missions slots can be purchased but requires 1 Character Slot on server

Slots can also be purchased for 10,000cc

Slot purchases are per character and can never be purchased account wide


These Changes to the mission log will not only increase value and added content to the game, but should increase story commitment and overall intrigue about character progression


You are seriously being a troll right?


Lets break this down:


Primary Function of mission log is to state what needs to be done, not give a back history


And less then 1% of the player base cares as much about that as you do, while 60%+ enjoys it. Will never happen.


Usage of log should be for a few missions(3 max), not 25.


If anything it should be increased from 25-30 or not count bonus missions in the log as a mission space because i like to stack up on 2-3 planet's heroics and run them.


List of missions should never have the ability to sort by mission level


Again, only you care about this, and with level sync they are all the same level now <_<


List of missions should not have location of where it starts, or starting location


Helps players navigate, especially new players, maybe and option to toggle missions off sure, other then that hell no.


Helping a player with a mission you do not have should cause both players to be suspended for 8 hours


So you can't help a player when they are doing the Shroud final boss mission or seeker droid mission? seeing as few people do them and you need 4 people to do it you usualy pay people credits to join you to get it done, again hell no.


Enhanced Mission Log prevents a player from doing anything that requires mission. i.e pvp if log is full


Again, seriously are you trolling????


Auto-kick players from groups and/or prevent all communication in-game if log is full


So no more contacting with guildies, allies, friends you want to say hey how are thing going... never going to happen.


Disable Reset/Abandon once mission begins. Delete should be only option. No Do-overs


They are there in case of a bug <_< never going to happen.


Flashpoint missions should not auto-create a mission entry, player should be locked out of all missions


Thats the whole reason of Group Finder, will never happen <_<


Remove rewards associated with missions, It's a mission not potential loot directory


Most people just choose the data crystals anyways, but F2P needs gear, so wont happen.


Other missions picked up will require either in-game confirmation to delete a character or mission


SWTOR has the nice thing of being alt friendly, this will never happen.


Maximum number of Missions in log should be 3


Again, it should be increased from 25 not decreased, wont happen.


Additional missions slots can be purchased but requires 1 Character Slot on server


Pointless, will never happen, like 3 missions max.


Slots can also be purchased for 10,000cc


Won't happen, quit trolling.


Slot purchases are per character and can never be purchased account wide


Like the above will never happen.


Seriously, this is a troll post, if anything people will unsubscribe. If you want the game to die, well leave the game, because only less then 1% of the SWTOR population would agree with any of this. While i can guarantee at least 90% will disagree with this on all levels.

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It's just a troll post.


Probably but if not, I must admit I get really fed up with players who claim they have a fix or a list of necessary improvements. It never true and is only ever better for them as a single player/individual. Why every player thinks there idea is better for everyone other than them, I never know. As for the list the op gives, Nope not a single one is better for me.

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You can't be serious? Did you suffer from some sort of head injury or have you not leveled a character to 65? Max 3 missions? *** man? Besides the perma KOTET quest, I am NOT for having to go back to the mission terminal to pick up 2 heroics AT A TIME! I accept usually around 3 planets worth of heroics then quick travel to each location using the handy little quick travel. Heroics take long enough as it is without having to go back to Odessen or where ever to pick up the missions after each completion. Ugh no thank you. You can do that if you want to, but I'm perfectly happy with my 25. Thanks. That idea was so outrageous that I figured the rest of your post wasn't worth reading. 3 missions at a time? Yeah, have fun with that. You can choose not to track ones too btw. Like I'll track my handful on one planet then when I finish with those I'll click to track the next handful.
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