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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Something to legtimately complain about - No server forums


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Why is it this community will cry about the most mundane BS but something that actually affects the community gets ignored. More crying about the game being too hard and the maintenance time plz Edited by Imhotep
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Bioware says start your own if you want them. Source


They do not have the manpower to moderate them and judging from the general forums which are heavily moderated the server forums not being moderated would be a very ugly place.


Server forums are lightly moderated anyways as they should be. They are meant to be a community building tool and sometimes you call people out in the community. To be honest they issue warnings way to quickly on the general forums.


Creating our own forums isnt a valid reason to not have official server forums.

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Why is it this community will cry about the most mundane BS but something that actually affects the community gets ignored. More crying about the game being too hard and the maintenance time plz


Game to hard? LMAO, I hope your being sarcastic.


Agreed give us forums, we wont quit until we get!

Edited by MaGicBush
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Game to hard? LMAO, I hope your being sarcastic.


Agreed give us forums, we wont quit until we get!


Unfortunately Im not being sarcastic. There have been multiple threads complaining that the game is hard. Mind you, its not hard at all



Meanwhile the server communities arent able to build like they should.

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I actually prefer server forums that are run by the players (this goes back to my everquest days). It seems like there is usually a lot more freedom on these forums than on server forums run by the company itself.
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