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Taris Bonus Series in Republic


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Why I can't finish Taris Bonus Series?

In the mission log it's says I have to finish a mission called "Missing Link". The problem is I can't I don't even have a mark on my map where should I go. I think I already did this mission and now I can't finish the mission. What should I do / what can I do?


I've already wrote a ticket about my issue yet no answer, nothing. This is my 2nd character the first one was in a mission bug too so I created another one and now again. I don't wanna create another character :'(

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IT is bugged. Basically, at some point before this you have gone wandering around that area of the map, seen a quest icon over the head of Mola Haxtor, and picked up her mission (the one called "Missing Link"), which involves collecting a camera from a rakghoul, and then the follow-up which is to go into the abandoned power plant to meet a hologram and a Jedi Knight, to decide the fate of a nest of Nekghouls.

Because you have already done those missions (or at least the Missing Link one), and you cannot repeat them, you now cannot progress with and complete the Taris Bonus Series. Sucks, and Bioware are aware of the problem thanks to multiple bug reports, but when I asked them to update the Bonus Series quest line on my character who had the problem, they said "sorry, but no".

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Well thats shame. I really would like to talk atleast with on GM or someone who could help.

Don't tell me they can't fix this little bug within a few minutes. They only have to reset the enitre mission line. And they could not even tell me that unfair more XP, my character is maxed. I don't even care about the credits from the mission. I just want to finish the mission on THAT character. It was there fault I could pick thsoe missions up before the Bonus Series.


Sadly I can't get any answer frome any GM.

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Bump here. I have this problem with the bonus series on Taris AND Balmorra. Don't care about it for XP or anything but I am a completionist and I was going back to complete all the damn quest they reset with the xpac. Sadly now I have those hanging in my mission log and it has killed my desire to play the game. Can't get a GM to answer me and there have been dozens of these post here in bug reports but they still have done nothing.
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