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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvE - Sniper vrs Commando


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I have played a Sniper (Eng Spec) since launch. Recently getting back into the game I took advantage of some saved up cash shop coins and bought a token to create a new level 60 character, I decided to make a Commando.


Playing Gunnery spec what I have noticed is that the Commando just feels more powerful then my Sniper. Not sure f this is true and I am simply talking about PvE.


I suppose it does not really matter.


Anyone else have an observation?

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As it is now, Commando Gunnery is a tad stronger than Sniper on Dummy parses, the damage potential of Arsenal is a bit higher than Sniper. Commando Gunnery is also more mobile than Sniper with the right Utilities.

However, once the fight has some AoE damage to be dealt I think you'll find Sniper doing more damage in pretty much all cases.

Edited by MFollin
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As it is now, Commando Gunnery is a tad stronger than Sniper on Dummy parses, the damage potential of Arsenal is a bit higher than Sniper. Commando Gunnery is also more mobile than Sniper with the right Utilities.

In particular Forced March, which allows you to move while channelling Full Auto and/or Boltstorm.

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Engineering sniper is really strong at the moment and has a fair amount of mobility and great aoe. Gunnery is the strongest and most mobile burst ranged spec at the moment, for a ranged burst spec and with this mobility is a bit overtuned actually.


So comparing the burst specs of the three ranged classes and using republic abbreviations, i.e. sage telekinetics=TK, commando gunnery=G, gunslinger sharpshooter=SS, here is my subjective experience with them.


DPS: G > TK > SS

Mobility: G > TK >>> SS

Burst: SS=G > TK

Swap burst: SS > G=TK

Defence: SS > G > TK

Ease of rotation: SS > G=TK

Fun: TK=G > SS :)


Hope this helps.

Edited by MusicRider
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