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Really tired of the downleveling


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So I'm trying to do Heroic 2+ Viper's Nest on Makeb... sounds easy and fun enough for a level 65 with operation gear at 216 level and weapons and relics of 220 level. But this downleveling hurts my health and hurts my damage so much I can't even so this heroic 2. Please look into the difficulty of this heroic 2.






Edited by Scorpinoxious
Correction of Deception Play to Viper's Nest heroic 2 on Makeb.
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Yes it does. In some parts.


But NOT for heroics and heroic areas like worldbosses.


The whole level sync should get group content to life for those, who always made it solo... but it is still soloable with level 50 healer comp :p


In RP and just walking through planets enjoying the environment and its sounds, it is annoying. :mad:

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I was using Treek every time set to healing at level 10 and finally able to finish this heroic after the 4th try. As the mobs spawned I had to hide behind the crate of weapons to force them to gather up close. Treek and I almost died on the first wave. I then had to use Unity and Heroic Moment as well to survive.


This downleveling wouldn't bother me so much if it was optional. But the mere fact that as a level 65 I don't have the option is insufferable. I've been playing for 4 years now, and this is really causing me to not have fun. Happiness is the reason for doing things or not doing things in life: playing games, being with friends, working, going to school, getting married, having kids, and everything else you do in life. Doing something that is more hassle than fun ruins that fun.


Please make this downleveling optional for level 65 players doing solo content. It's just not worth the hassle, and takes away from the fun.

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Hmmm... Looking to see which one that is... Republic side... debris, droids, commander...


Well, I haven't tried to run that since 4.0 (I've done a bunch of heroics but I've generally kept to the lower level planets) so maybe I'll check that out later, but I know that it was rough to solo on a character leading up to 4.0 as part of completing all the staged weekly achievements before they went away. As I recall, there was a line of enemies at the bridge leading into that section of the map was pretty brutal, and then every other group within the area was just as bad. Gathering the missile battery debris was easy enough because you can find a spot for it with no fight or with just an easy fight. Gathering the droid debris took some careful selection of which groups I started fights with and which ones I avoided because I couldn't handle the larger fights alone.


It should be toned down somewhat in its current state but it's not impossible that it could still be tuned a bit high. It was a heroic 4 before, ie it was originally built for 4 players. It's supposed to be a heroic 2 now, ie meant to be possible as just yourself and a companion. If if's really not that manageable solo, that's something that they would want to look at.


edit: Wait, waves of enemies spawning in? Are you talking about a different one now? That sounds like a different mission than the one you named. Let's see, which one would that be...? Oh, it was also on Republic side, it's [heroic 2] Viper's Nest. (also previously a heroic 4, it's the one where you plant a bomb on some munitions and then must defend it until it blows, helps to kill the nearby group first (even though they seem far enough away) to keep them from joining in with the waves of enemies spawning in) People also had trouble keeping up with that one when soloing it for the achievement before 4.0 hit. I'll have to check out what that's like post-4.0 as well.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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You are absolutely correct. In my haste to complain, I noted the incorrect Heroic 2. It was Viper's Nest. Thanks for helping clarify the error.


I'm also correcting the initial post information. Go test it out for yourself. It is still very difficult, not impossible, just too difficult with a level 10 influence companion.

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Difficult enough to require a "Heroic" effort? They really should think about renaming these things. I mean, what does that + after the 2 mean, anyway? :rolleyes:


I moved house and couldn't manage to lift the bed up the stairs myself. I heard that Halfthor Bjornsson managed it though, so I tried from a few different angles. It seemed to be manageable once I got my brother round to help me, though.

Edited by CrazyCT
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I was using Treek every time set to healing at level 10 and finally able to finish this heroic after the 4th try. As the mobs spawned I had to hide behind the crate of weapons to force them to gather up close. Treek and I almost died on the first wave. I then had to use Unity and Heroic Moment as well to survive. .


you do understand that you just made the best possible counter argument against yourself, right?

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65 Commando healer, kind of a mix of gear from 190 to 208, running with a rank 10 M1-4X set as damage


Seeing how Viper's Nest goes for me...

Wiped. I didn't throw out anything big for that attempt (no heroic moment or anything) but I wasn't able to keep up enough healing for the damage coming in at us.


Tried again with M1 set as tank. Wiped again but lasted longer. (2nd/3rd wave?) I didn't throw out any big specials that time either though.


Third try, I was going to consider throwing heroic moment out this time but it was actually going pretty well for a while (and I didn't even do anything different from the previous attempt) and I only ended up using unity when it did start to get rough. Survived the munitions part without using heroic moment and without hiding behind the crate. Moving on to the rest of it.


The manifest was easy enough to get to. I managed to reach it without fighting anything. Then you just use the computer and take it. Rescuing evacuees for the bonus... Some are guarded but the fights are pretty easy, and others are just out in the open. Sabotage landing pad... Easy fight AND I just remembered that this class has a minute long stun that I could have been using and a knockback to just toss the gold off of this landing pad without fighting him anyway.


And finished. The first step is by far the roughest part, but it was manageable with the companion in the right stance and with just a little extra help from legacy abilities.


edit: Running Deception Play as well, though the topic wasn't supposed to be about that. Reached and collected the missile battery debris without needing to fight anything. Getting into a couple fights for the droid debris got a tiny bit rough but it was manageable. I'm noticing that the bridges have a lot fewer enemies stationed at them than they did before 4.0. Finished off the bonus on the way to the last objective. Boss fight took a little time but wasn't difficult. Overall, it could certainly go more smoothly in a group but it was perfectly manageable alone.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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