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Max health calculation


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I've made a spreadsheet to calculate total HP for my Assassin tank with different arrangements of gear, but I had some issues when updating the HP calculation from 3.0 to 4.0.


According to this thread the calculation at lvl 65 should be:

Max Health = ( BaseHealth + Endurance * 10.5 ) * 1.01

where the 1% boost is from the Legacy companion unlock



However, for my tank this calculation is turning out the wrong numbers.



Base HP: 12775

Stim: 198

Datacrons: 64

Base endurance: 630

Endurance from gear: 4717

Bountyhunter class buff: 5%

Darkness spec assassin: 5%


HP additive (shown as a + on the character sheet) should be...

(stim + datacrons + base endurance + gear) * 110% * 10.5

= 64784

However, the actual number shown on my character sheet is 64703


Max HP (shown on the HP bar) should be...

(HP additive + Base HP) * 101.01%

= 78342

However, the actual number shown on my character's HP bar is 78253




With a few adjustments to my calculations, I could get it to work as follows (red numbers are changed):



Base HP: 12775

Stim: 198

Datacrons: 57

Base endurance: 630

Endurance from gear: 4717

Bountyhunter class buff: 5%

Darkness spec assassin: 5%


(stim + datacrons + base endurance + gear) * 110% * 10.5

= 64703


(HP additive + Base HP) * 101%

= 78253




I also checked this with no gear on:


Base HP: 12775

Stim: 198

Datacrons: 57

Base endurance: 630

Endurance from gear: 0

Bountyhunter class buff: 5%

Darkness spec assassin: 5%


(stim + datacrons + base endurance + gear) * 110% * 10.5

= 10222 (correct)


(HP additive + Base HP) * 101%

= 23227 (correct)





This seems to indicate that my datacron endurance number was wrong previously in 3.0, but it also shows that my Assassin is getting Endurance from the Republic Balmorra and Coruscant datacrons (an extra 5 endurance added to the 52 from Imperial accessible Datacrons.)


Is this correct? Is it a glitch?

Edited by Gardimuer
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