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Dmg dealers breaking 2.5k dps, but hardly killing anybody or achieving WZ objectives


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Let's recap... pardon the pun.


Two high-end DPS, neither of whom ever died - check

1 Tank with 2 mln protection - check

Three sorc/sage healers in a match all of whom died at least once - check

The Republic won too - triple check


The side with a healer+ tank + high DPS combo won over 2 sorc healers side. (Sigh) Would have been a perfect "Cretinus You Are Wrong" screenshot, if not for the tank. He'd just fall back on the Healer+Tank Rant.


But certainly a great screenshot to put as a background for a while on my rig :)




The day they have a cross-server, Commander. Which is any day now, I know.... :cool: But, awesome. Watchman?


Both sides are evenly matched as far as healing goes (the two best performing ones having 6 and 5 mil on opposite sides), but the side with the tank won.

The sages with the highest dps also manage to rack up a decent amount of self heals too, so did the Guardian Tank.

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You are correct in that the tank backed up by two healers is probably what both guaranteed the high DPS to the Republic Sages, and allowed them to spread the forces thinner for the three cap. I wanted to note the tank, because the folks noted both the heals, and the DPS, but not the tank.


In short, everyone has done their job, they achieved the objectives, and they've won.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You are correct in that the tank backed up by two healers is probably what both guaranteed the high DPS to the Republic Sages, and allowed them to spread the forces thinner for the three cap.


In short, everyone has done their job, they achieved the objectives, and they've won.


Yes, the tank and healer hugged mid (probably occupied 4 - 6 dps) while the other healer was probably free to support one of the side nodes, leaving the Sages open to free cast.


Working as intended according to you and all other Sage healers.

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The day they have a cross-server, Commander. Which is any day now, I know.... :cool: But, awesome. Watchman?


If its just that, ill gift you a insta 60 token :p But i guess timezone is more of a problem.

Yeah its watchman, this specc has amazing potential <3

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Working as intended according to you and all other Sage healers.


I believe that the Sage Energy Management should be brought back to one of the iterations early in 3.0 meta. It allowed healer control, but gave the high end players room to be awesome.


Me, a healer Sage? I ran out of comms, tried PvP on 2 chars I had at the time, Slinger and Sage, got rekt'd, but loved how other people played the game. Guys here told me to start a Vg tank to figure out the warzone flow. So, that's what I played for a while. Met someone who was a great sorc healer (in 2.x), so he taught me to heal. I started a Scop heals to do a stealth combo with him.


So, I did main Sorc/Sage healer for the longest time, but I quickly stopped playing my Sage/Sorc healer when the 3.x came into being, because so many people played healers & I predominantly queue as a 2M or solo. I saw my opportunity to learn to DPS & I went for it. Once in a while I play a healer, but mostly on my Scop, because I like this AC to bits, and I can't play a DPS side of it.


I currently play a Vanguard DPS (my former tank), a Gunnery Mando (that I leveled to 60 as an Assault Specialist), a Serenity Shadow (that I leveled during 2xXP) and a Madness Sorceress (that I am currently leveling). I also have a level 42 Scoundrel healer and I would like to take another look at a Sentinel.


At the moment, I don't think I can identify any character as my main, because I am trying so many things again. If healing does not get balanced out in such a way as to become unattractive to a big number of players (in which case I will main a Scop healer), I am not sure what I will end up with. But I need to figure it out fast, because I can't play this many chars for long.

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1. that is fine that you don't ranked and blah blah blah, but i do and 2.5k is easily doable (especailly in 8v8s regs)


You must be awesome in PVP, because 2.5k dps in every 8v8 regs match is not "easily doable" in my experience, especially depending on the spec and build of the dps played.


I see maras, juggs, madness sorcs, AP/PTs, and sins break 2.5k dps in regs, and rarely an arsenal merc will. This is in Voidstar, or other matches where people often times are bunched up and when healers are present too though.


For matches where there is a lot of running, moving, and reacting to guarding nodes breaking 2.5k dps as a dps is impressive. At least from what I seen with my own eyes.


Now, tell me since you are so awesome and can easily break 2.5k dps in regs 8v8s, what classes can you do this on?


Since you didn't differentiate I have to assume no matter the map, no matter the team composition you can do it? If so, then yeah, you are truly one hell of an awesome pvper.


If this is not the case, and you need heals, good team composition, and the proper 8v8 map to pour out 2.5k dps damage or higher then you are in no position to try to tell other players how pathetic they are or how you can show them how to PVP.


If you can do what you say though, on any dps class put out 2.5k dps "easily" in ANY 8v8, no matter what the team's comp is, then I am willing to eat crow all day long.

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If you can do what you say though, on any dps class put out 2.5k dps "easily" in ANY 8v8, no matter what the team's comp is, then I am willing to eat crow all day long.


I know what you're trying to say... but you're arguing the wrong point. He was simply saying that 2.5k dps does not indicate the person in question was simply number farming... Additionally, I think we can all agree that not killing anything is an indication of the strength of heals/tanks atm, and nothing else...


1. I've done over 2.5k dps on every advanced class in a wz before, it isn't difficult for any class to put out those numbers in the right situation.


2. I've done over 4k dps in a wz where I was top objectives and top medals.


3. I've done under 1k dps on the same character in huttball's where I had the least medals and pretty awful objectives points, but i was directly responsible for almost every score we had...


You don't get credit for things like fire pulls, rescues, well timed stuns... but those are usually the things that make or break a close WZ.

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Now, now, this is the living proof of the blind hen being able to find a needle in a haystack . . .


Only the other day, I planted the bomb in VS, lowered the bridge and attempted to plant the second door on my VG Tank!!! At that moment there were me and four red ones at the second door . . . All the others were still in the first attackzone in front of the first door gathering their precious stats . . .


I'll say that there's a growing fear in the pvp community of not producing the stat and that it doesn't matter whether you're in a wz or arena or even know the difference between said pvp places . . . What I wouldn't give for a tandem stun while guarding a node in AHG, atleast it would show that some know what they're doing . . . :eek:


I play objective and kill those that pose a threat. I have came last in damage but did the most objectively and got the most MVP votes.

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I know what you're trying to say... but you're arguing the wrong point. He was simply saying that 2.5k dps does not indicate the person in question was simply number farming... Additionally, I think we can all agree that not killing anything is an indication of the strength of heals/tanks atm, and nothing else...


1. I've done over 2.5k dps on every advanced class in a wz before, it isn't difficult for any class to put out those numbers in the right situation.


2. I've done over 4k dps in a wz where I was top objectives and top medals.


3. I've done under 1k dps on the same character in huttball's where I had the least medals and pretty awful objectives points, but i was directly responsible for almost every score we had...


You don't get credit for things like fire pulls, rescues, well timed stuns... but those are usually the things that make or break a close WZ.


Yeah all of this is true. I just got annoyed with the guy and his superiority complex. He just flippantly insults people and that's annoying. I should delete my response to him but w/e.

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Yeah all of this is true. I just got annoyed with the guy and his superiority complex. He just flippantly insults people and that's annoying. I should delete my response to him but w/e.

superior complex? what superior complex? i simply stating that hitting 2.5k isn't hard/impressive if you are straight DMing,AoEing and killing opponents. i actually only started to "flippantly insults people " (which was actually ONE PERSON she still believe hitting 2.5k =facerolling on my keyboard with a FOTM class) (btw the classes i roll with is lethality,merc I/O and PT pyro which are none FOTM). the only aggressive annoying behavior that is going on here is "objective play = crap players" and "the majority of objective are bad because they can't do high damage"


my entire argument before we went this "2.5k is super hard!" rabbit hole, is that if you are straight going for damage, then hitting high numbers isn't (or shouldn't) be hard as that is all you are doing for a duration or a match.

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I know what you're trying to say... but you're arguing the wrong point. He was simply saying that 2.5k dps does not indicate the person in question was simply number farming... Additionally, I think we can all agree that not killing anything is an indication of the strength of heals/tanks atm, and nothing else...


1. I've done over 2.5k dps on every advanced class in a wz before, it isn't difficult for any class to put out those numbers in the right situation.


2. I've done over 4k dps in a wz where I was top objectives and top medals.


3. I've done under 1k dps on the same character in huttball's where I had the least medals and pretty awful objectives points, but i was directly responsible for almost every score we had...


You don't get credit for things like fire pulls, rescues, well timed stuns... but those are usually the things that make or break a close WZ.


THIS and thank you for understanding.

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2.5k isn't difficult with with a full PvP set. My chjar got *constantly* killed with almost nothing but numbers over 5k ... By Sorc, PT, Marauder, Merc ... At level 65.


Most of the hits I received were even around 8-11 k ... And that despite my Gunslinger having an full 208 PvP set ...


At the lower levels, the situation might be different. But you don't care about that anyway. ;)

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which was actually ONE PERSON she still believe hitting 2.5k =facerolling on my keyboard with a FOTM class


What are you talking about? I specifically and repeatedly stated that going to the 2.5K DPS and higher requires skill that I greatly admire and want to acquire more than anything else right now.


I strongly object to statements that diminish people's accomplishments such as saying that you can do above average DPS by facerolling or that it is easy.


Delivering sufficient amount of damage to proper targets contributes to winning the objectives. If you do not learn how to deliver damage on your character, you will be facerolled by those who do, and then they will take all three of your nodes, get you 0:6 in the Huttball, spam-camp you or melt you in an arena at their leisure.


It's not either or, it's both, and that is why the OP's posts are so wrong, because they try to steer players in the wrong direction, always towards finger pointing, blame, envy, and misdirection. Each and every of his posts is like that. Sensational, wrong, divisive, unsubstantiated, excluding context and level-headed analysis.


The OPs posts lead us in the direction where anyone who does things well gets viciously criticized for doing well. Instead of giving the credit where the credit is due and learning from those who do better.

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2.5k isn't difficult with with a full PvP set. My chjar got *constantly* killed with almost nothing but numbers over 5k ... By Sorc, PT, Marauder, Merc ... At level 65.


Most of the hits I received were even around 8-11 k ... And that despite my Gunslinger having an full 208 PvP set ...


At the lower levels, the situation might be different. But you don't care about that anyway. ;)


Alrick, DPS in a zone, not a damage on a single hit. It's one of the three stats that shows up when you mouse over the total damage. Total, per second, and biggest hit.

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What are you talking about? I specifically and repeatedly stated that going to the 2.5K DPS and higher requires skill that I greatly admire and want to acquire more than anything else right now.


I strongly object to statements that diminish people's accomplishments such as saying that you can do above average DPS by facerolling or that it is easy.


Delivering sufficient amount of damage to proper targets contributes to winning the objectives. If you do not learn how to deliver damage on your character, you will be facerolled by those who do, and then they will take all three of your nodes, get you 0:6 in the Huttball, spam-camp you or melt you in an arena at their leisure.


It's not either or, it's both, and that is why the OP's posts are so wrong, because they try to steer players in the wrong direction, always towards finger pointing, blame, envy, and misdirection. Each and every of his posts is like that. Sensational, wrong, divisive, unsubstantiated, excluding context and level-headed analysis.


ok i'm sorry that i misread that you said (which is correct i supposed since using individual skills as a basline for other players is well stupid) and i will end is conversation by saying let's agree to disagreed and moved from this discussion. deal?

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Alrick, DPS in a zone, not a damage on a single hit. It's one of the three stats that shows up when you mouse over the total damage. Total, per second, and biggest hit.


Sometimes biggest hit doesn't show correctly.

I've hit people for 18k - 25k in my gore window and my biggest hit in that match was like 17k.

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Sometimes biggest hit doesn't show correctly.

I've hit people for 18k - 25k in my gore window and my biggest hit in that match was like 17k.


It cuts off at what health you took with your hit, when your high hit is a killing blow. I don't know more reasons than that.

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