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New and just subscribe but have some questions


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So i tried this game a few days with the jedi sentinel till level 20 and decided to subscribe and make a level 60 sentinel that i could when i sub but i am not sure if i should have make a level 60 character so soon or is it even the right thing to do and i have also deleted my level 20 sentinel. I have some questions though.


1. When i was playing before i sub i got my sentinel to about level 20 and the lightsaber have more upgrade parts then the one that i was given at level 60. and if i replay the story will it give me the lightsaber.


2. What are the important things to look out for since i sort of jump up to 60 without much experiance of what was going on before that.


3. How do i find a lightsaber with mutiple upgrades? because i have been having lightsaber that i can only insert crystals and nothing else.


Thank you.

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if you are new to the game and not just new to sentinel, then i would recommend not jumping to 60. there is a lot of stuff that the game doesn't tell you and that you only discover after hours of playing.


1. & 3. the orange lightsabers that you get as part of your story are upgradeable while the common pieces are not. luckily it is very easy and cheap to get lightsaber shells off the gtn. just do a search using the filters for orange grade and you can find cheap shells (without mods in them). pay attention, to whether they are main hand, off hand or both.


2. you kind of answer this one with your own question. what you lose is the time spent learning your class and spec, by jumping directly to a level where everybody expects you to know it. this can cause a problem when doing group content if you let your suck show.

Edited by sumquy
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Go thru and lvl it, you will earn massive amount of influence, crystals, and learn to play the class/game well. Also KOTFE is more or less the next chapter in the JK story.


You should lvl all 8 classes to finish at least chapter 3, the amount of rewards you gain for doing that is great.

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Thank you guys for the advise i think since i made my lvl 60 sentiel i will try a guardian now and learn the game...should have trusted my instinct of not getting the level 60 character :( the level 60 is a one time only thing right? if i delete it then i wont be able to make another level 60 character? Btw can i still go back and do those story? Edited by ILivingLegend
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Thank you guys for the advise i think since i made my lvl 60 sentiel i will try a guardian now and learn the game...should have trusted my instinct of not getting the level 60 character :( the level 60 is a one time only thing right? if i delete it then i wont be able to make another level 60 character? Btw can i still go back and do those story?


If you used your token and made a level 60 character, you can redeem the token by deleting the character before level 61.

Edited by ealanyali
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I'd suggest at the very least leveling a marauder on the imperial side from 0-60.


Not only is the Sith Warrior story pretty good, but it will allow you to learn your spec of choice.


I cannot stress enough the ammount of people with no clue currently joining HM Flashpoints or ops and causing wipes due to having 0 experience on their class, in a game level where you need a good grasp of your basics.


I sure know the learning isn't the same when I suddenly throw a massive bar full of ability at you, rather than slowly filling it at a natural pace.


Leveling is still extremely fast nowadays (probably too fast, still, leading to the same problem, altough at a lesser extent)

Edited by verfallen
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I'd suggest at the very least leveling a marauder on the imperial side from 0-60.


Not only is the Sith Warrior story pretty good, but it will allow you to learn your spec of choice.


I cannot stress enough the ammount of people with no clue currently joining HM Flashpoints or ops and causing wipes due to having 0 experience on their class, in a game level where you need a good grasp of your basics.


I sure know the learning isn't the same when I suddenly throw a massive bar full of ability at you, rather than slowly filling it at a natural pace.


Leveling is still extremely fast nowadays (probably too fast, still, leading to the same problem, altough at a lesser extent)


Am leveling it slowly now, one thing tho is this class really squishy? because i notice how some guardians can dps and stay alive while i can't do the same even when i take less hits.

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at first a bit.


Guardian dps are certainly sturdy enough, have access to some nice cooldowns in Focused Defense and a slightly better saber ward than you due to Blade Turning). At 51, their reflect ability can be quite good as well, especially if they spec into the Heroic utility that lenghten in. Their Enure are not bad either to buffer a bit more damage, and obviously they have an higher flat DR on their heavy armor.


However sentinel have a very impressive array of defensive cooldowns.


1st -Rebuke - While up, you'll actually have higher DR for up to 30s assuming you are hit on, 34s if specced into it, every minute (or less again, if you choose the "Jedi Promulgator" utilities later on, however I mostly take other at that stage)


2nd- Saber ward (which can be turned into a CC immunity). The Guardian has a better first 2 seconds, but after that you are even, maybe even a bit better situationally with the aforementioned utility to not being CCed, knocked around etc.


3rd - Pacify : Very powerful debuff on a single enemy, which reduce their accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds, giving you a very effective window where nothing ranged or melee will hit you (mobs have 100% accuracy, - 90% -5% of your defense, 5% chance to hit you) Its obviously not much help if you are taking damage from multiple source, but its excellent if you choose to offtank (in a way) a bigger mob in some ops thrash pull so it doesnt go for the healer assuming a tank missed it. Also on a relatively short cooldown. of one minute, could be utility specced into 45s in solo pve.


4th - Guarded by the Force : Used to have a hefty health penalty using this one, making it a last resort DCD (you'd lose half your health when it ended) but its now a straight 99% damage reduction, making it better in some ways than the Guardian's reflect, since it includes melee attacks, altough doesn't shoot back force/tech/ranged to your opponents.


5th - Transcendence gives a slight 10% defense bonus on ranged/melee attack, so always nice. Can be on a 30s cd, or used via Centering.


6th - Blade Blitz - While not a defensive cooldown per say, the time rushing forward you have 100% defense boost. Done right, it can be used to counter a single big hit. Common to both Sent and Guardian.




However - yes once those cooldowns are gone you are made of virtual paper. Cycling them correctly tough, I find you can be quite above avererage for up to 1m30s.


Last night as an exemple, on an EC SM run a thrash pull went south. CC were broke, one ran out and wasn't reapplied, long story short, both healer and tanks went down (actually 1 tank went down, 1 crashed and the healer died)


I grabbed the two champion doing the most damage back to back while the other 3 dps were finishing the other 2 left, and using all of the above, was able to stay alive with no heals. 1st one was nearly dead, but 2nd one was full health.


WHen I got to him I used my Pacify (was on mara, but I,ll use sent terms to make it easier to understand as you are probably use to sent names), when it went down, I kicked on rebuke, interrupted the big hits, used my stuns since he could be stunned (not always the case, but this was), when rebuke went off (was then at 60% health over 35sec) I kicked in saber ward, then guarded by the force, then pacify was of cooldown, and then rebuke was off cooldown.


Team joined me into finishing it as I hit rebuke. However at that point my health was in the 30ish range, medpack used, major cooldown used, and most likely had only 15 sec or so left before dying.


Still not many dps class are capable of that. It sure saved a wipe.

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I highly recommend against skipping to 60. Swtor has the best story and writing out of any MMO I can think of. You would be cheating yourself by not experiencing it first hand.


This is on top of spending time learning the class and deciding if you like it or not. Also is the chance that later down the road you might want to switch advanced classes or faction. Save your boost to 60 for that.

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