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BH or Trooper?


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So while I post regularly on the forums, I haven't really been playing the game that much recently and the times I have played have bored me to be honest. I've decided to try and do a fresh play through of one of these classes but I'm having trouble deciding which one, could anyone give me some advice? Also while I know which AC I'm choosing (Commando/Merc) I can't decide what body type to go for. I'd really appreciate any help for either of these questions.
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I personally like the look of the commando trooper over the mercenary BH. If you are going damage, I like the fact that the commando uses his big gun primarily versus the merc who uses rockets instead of his blasters. As for the body type, I made my commando type 2 male, and I always regretted it. I think type 3 for trooper, and type 2 or 3 for mercenary works best. But its all a matter I'd opinion of course.
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I personally like the look of the commando trooper over the mercenary BH. If you are going damage, I like the fact that the commando uses his big gun primarily versus the merc who uses rockets instead of his blasters. As for the body type, I made my commando type 2 male, and I always regretted it. I think type 3 for trooper, and type 2 or 3 for mercenary works best. But its all a matter I'd opinion of course.

Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll probably run a Merc afterwards.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I prefer the animations of the Merc - my Commando's animations always looked a bit clunky.


Also found the Trooper "Gung ho" Special Forces theme and story yawn inducing.


^This! Plus I really hate that assault cannon.

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I started the game with a BH, and then moved to trooper after I found I had some friends already playing pub.


The Hunter is flashier: Rocket Punch, Flame Spin, Flamethrower... very dramatic animations. The trooper has these same attacks (and Stockstrike is incredibly amusing) but they feel less polished to me. Bounty Hunter also has my favorite dialog from any game ever.


"It won't kill him, just leave him blind and with a terrible case of indigestion." - Beauty.

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Note that this is of course all just my personal opinion;



  • Animations: Merc. Mostly because I much, much, MUCH prefer missiles over pew pew lazers. Heartseeker Missiles are also far more fun than Demolition Round.
  • Story: Merc. The Trooper story is basically a story that you either hate or love, so I'll leave that up to the person playing. But the dialogue is so much better as a Bounty Hunter. The Trooper dialogue tends to have two options which are 'Sir, yes! Sir!' and a third that makes you look like an incompetent soldier and is quite often a clear cut act of subordination that at the very least would have you officially reprimanded and at worst put in front of a firing squad.
  • Equipment: With armor looks being a non-issue, it comes down to weapons. I dislike both... but the dual blasters is the lesser of evils. Running around with a weapon definitely not meant to be hauled around like that, is just something I utterly despise. Not that 'gangsta'-style dual wielding is much better. Luckily, most Merc abilities are missiles. How I wish both classes simply used a blaster rifle instead of those two ridiculous weapons.


I'm currently playing a commando to get the legendary status, since I never felt like playing one (even with 12x exp). But as soon as it finishes chapter 3, it probably will never be played again. I should've rolled a Vanguard but I didn't want to redo the first 2 chapters I had already finished a year ago. :p

Edited by Defecter
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Bounty hunter is more a flashy show off than the trooper with most of his abilities being wrist mounted attacks like rockets ,flamethrower, taser or the carbon thrower. or the jetpacks abilities


The trooper tries to be more effective with it abilities just throw a grenade or two at them then continue to shoot them with some lighting then and there.


to me it more who i feel in the mood to play but if i have to pick one the Bounty hunter takes it

Edited by bladesharks
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