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ATTENTION: Share your Warzones Frames Per Second in this thread (Thanks in advance!).


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I'd be curious how many of you guys are running gsync or freesync monitors? There's one response sounds like he/she is using a Predator or ROG Swift monitor and getting good frame rates. With the fluctuation in FPS I'm curious if the game smooths out at 1080 and 1440 with gsync and freesync.


Gsync and Freesync do not increase your FPS, they will only limit your FPS if your frame rate is higher than your monitor's refresh rate. Same thing with V-sync, in fact Gsync and Freesync are really just adaptive V-sync where it turns on when needed and turns off when not needed to avoid the performance hit when your FPS is lower than your refresh rate.


What all of them do is prevent your GPU from sending a new image to your monitor before it reaches the vertical blanking interval, which only happens once the monitor is done drawing the current frame. Without V-sync, Gsync, or Freesync enabled you could experience tearing if you exceed your refresh rate, otherwise it has no effect.

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i use on a laptop, some medium specs, have 45 usually when on fleet and doing nothing, lowest graphics for warzone everytime.

Inter i7 4500U, 1.80GHz/2.40GHz

8GB RAM (don't know the frequency)


AMD Radeon HD 8670M 2GB

127~140ms in a good day (Live in Rio de janeiro/Brazil)

And with these specs the lowest i got was 7FPS in a voidstar that had 4 sorcs casting lightning storm in the screen.

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