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SWTOR on USB3 stick?


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I know it's possible to install Swtor on USB (and not recommended), but has anyone actually tried it on a USB3 stick? Is that still slower than a normal non-SSD HD?


I'm thinking that it would be really nice not having to update several computers every time there's a patch (given how horribly that works) and the USB3 sticks I've tried seems to be pretty fast, but I haven't actually bothered to measure the speed. Easier to just ask! :D

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I don't know if it will run off of a USB flash drive. I believe that the way the files are accessed is different than a USB hard drive.

However, if all you want to do is to simplify installation, you can install (or update) SWTOR on one computer, copy (not "install") the SWTOR folder to a USB stick, and then simply copy the USB stick's SWTOR folder to the other computer(s).

If it's a new install on the other computers, just run "Launcher[.exe]" from the swtor folder on the computer.

If SWTOR is already installed on the other computer, just let the new SWTOR folder overwrite the old one.

Edited by JediQuaker
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