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Struggling with choice...


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I know many of these threads get made. However I am a returning player from the movie hype (derp) and before you say play what you like best i liek both the guardian and the sentinel the same. I want performance. I know the sentinel does more damage. But how does the guardian do in comparison in pvp? is the smash spec the only one viable? does the class measure up against the sentinel in pvp? I just dont wanna choose one and wish i would have gone with the other based on peformance. Please inform
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I know many of these threads get made. However I am a returning player from the movie hype (derp) and before you say play what you like best i liek both the guardian and the sentinel the same. I want performance. I know the sentinel does more damage. But how does the guardian do in comparison in pvp? is the smash spec the only one viable? does the class measure up against the sentinel in pvp? I just dont wanna choose one and wish i would have gone with the other based on peformance. Please inform


I like my marauder 100% better than my juggernaut. Mostly out of preference. Both can be powerful. Marauders have better mobility. Many people will want to tar and feather me for saying this, but if you know what you are doing you will mostly likely survive better on a marauder than a jugg as well. Juggs have a nice heal to full ability, but it is pretty easy to control them and whittle them back down. Marauders defenses are less about healing and more about mitigation and escape.


Both juggs and marauders hit hard. Juggs can hit harder because of one of their utilities. But it is easier to stay on target with a marauder. Predation cannot be praised enough. Even though you can do well with a jugg and they are good 1v1 I would much MUCH rather have a well played marauder on my team. If you are amazing at jugg you would be even more amazing on a marauder with practice. Don't let the fact that juggs get something like enraged defense make you think they are better than marauders.


All three marauder specs are awesome at pvp. Fury marauders are probably the best, but all three are awesome. You can do very well solo queuing. If you queue with a healer you will be completely unstoppable as a marauder.

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