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level 1 - 65 the state of the game.


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I am not a great player.

I'm kinda mediocre at pvp. ( I don't have the gear didn't put in the time)

I know my classes and know the game( on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 6)

I'm honest and I have been here from the beginning with a 3 year break. I resubbed at 4.0


I decided to make a new character a jedi shadow conslure.


I went form level 1-65 and I did not die once


yes I repeat level 1-65 not one death.


and my repairs were about 6k total.


that's all.....


not one death and no fear whatsoever that I would fail....


I'm not that good. I do have money lots of credits from cartel packs past....


that's the only caveat. I had blue armour that was replaced as soon as the next level set was avail...



not one death.

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And this is a bad thing because?
It's a bad thing for players who prefer a through and through progression leveling experience over having stuff handed to them. Players who prefer a self-playing, spoon fed, one-size-fits-all food stamps version of an MMO speed-leveling experience (complete with cut scenes and cinematics!) will love the new early game.


This expansion dealt a huge blow to the Altoholic progression and group story play styles. Everything outside of vanilla class story - and I mean everything - was reworked to make every planet, every heroic, every flashpoint and every hard mode end-game compatible. They even gave us a free level 60, and added level 60 unlocks in the Cartel Market, to teleport players right past it hoping no one would notice.


Early game is all but useless now, and progression altoholics who don't care about end game glory will either have to reinvent their preferred style of SWTOR game play or find a new game. Which I'm sure suits certain attitudes just fine.


Frankly, it makes my inner purist SWTOR MMO gaming nerd want to puke.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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how is this bad?




are you the type of person that plays solitare with just hearts and spades?


Take off a major piece of gear. Try combat then. Still too easy? take off another piece of gear. Try again.


Repeat until you find the right level of challenge.

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This I like. Besides, the more characters you have in your legacy, the easier it is for the next one. My 8th was the soldier and he blasted his way trough class content and beyond, and that was just before 4.0 My last one 5 days ago got the challenge doing H2s to upgrade equipment, don't recall dying yet and breezed her trough Kotfe already.


In retrospect, only my 1st character struggled


If you want your character to die, send it in suicide missions, or in PvP :p


Another plus, when fights are not too hard, I have time to think and watch the character moves

Edited by efffel
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Without worrying about dyeing because I encounter animals and people and droids every ten feet I'm getting to enjoy the story. I have started leveling new alts while I wait for the next installment of the expansion, and I'm really enjoying the story again without it feeling like a chore. I am even not irritated with taris or balsavis all that much anymore. Don't get me wrong if given the chance I would start killer base those planets in a heartbeat. But it's not a seething burning hatred.
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You call yourself a 6/10. My mother is a 2/10. Maybe a 1/10. She's TERRIBLE at the game, but loves it more than me and my guild put together.


She's 65 years old and I kid you not it takes her 3+ seconds to hit each button. She plays Mass Effect and Dragon Age on 'narrative' difficulty simply because she likes the story and doesn't want to be challenged. If it was remotely hard, she'd never get to play the game. Sure she could youtube it, but she wants to play the game and make the choices.


She waited 6 months in 2014 for Solo mode versions of Forged Alliances because tacticals were too hard for her/B].. She's never been in an operation. She let me carry her through a flashpoint in 3.0 and HATED it because she felt useless.


Now in 4.0? She's doing flashpoints. She's doing heroics. She' actually called me up at work to tell me that she and her level 50 companion beat a Star Fortress heroic all by themselves.


Yes, SWTOR is easier than it was. It is also more accessible for people who aren't good at gaming but still want to play. Remember, if you're 6/10., You're still better than average.

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As someone who has quit this game since launch day multiple times I prefer the 1-65 to be sped up. I have been to so many of these planets more times than I want so I just wanna get to the endgame quicker. Many of the planets are ugly as can be and a chore to get through without the ease and I remember how annoying many of the places were. I want the singleplayer cutscene experience because if I am being honest the overall gameplay in this MMO is terrible. I would rather play WoW or FF14 but this is SW and I love the story within the game itself so making it less tedious to those like me who may not want to have to spend many hours and tedium just to get to 65.
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