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Tank looking for Progression Team


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I am looking for a raid team that is still having fun and running HM/NiM content. 10/11 HM pre 4.0 Experience (all but the core on Revan :( ). I run all three tank classes imp side with mirrors pub side (prefer Imp but im flexible). I can raid pretty much any night of the week after 6:00PM EST until about midnight. All of my raid teams bailed after the announcement of no new ops so need some new friends. Please respond here or hit up Regex/Xothrata/Jhagold in game. (p.s. I have heals and dps as well but im no 7k hitter as I focused on tanking but am willing to learn).
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We don't currently have any openings on the highest end progression team, but if you're looking for an endgame raiding Guild, <Fortitude> might be a fit. We seem to be abosrbing a lot of players orphaned by their raid teams or Guilds and have had enough turnover in our brief history that an opportunity could arise at any time; and even if it doesn't, there's nothing precluding you or anyone else from starting a second hardcore progression team through similar adoption methods. :D There are also opportunities to do more hardcore semi-PUGs every weekend.


Most of our focus is Pub side, but we do have a sister Imperial Guild (mostly filled with alts); we have one semi-casual team running there, but no reason a hardcore team couldn't be started under it's auspices.


You can check us out at fortitudeguild.enjin.com. If it looks interesting, feel free to apply there and we can work on catching you in-game for an invite. :)

Edited by AlixMV
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I am looking for a raid team that is still having fun and running HM/NiM content. 10/11 HM pre 4.0 Experience (all but the core on Revan :( ). I run all three tank classes imp side with mirrors pub side (prefer Imp but im flexible). I can raid pretty much any night of the week after 6:00PM EST until about midnight. All of my raid teams bailed after the announcement of no new ops so need some new friends. Please respond here or hit up Regex/Xothrata/Jhagold in game. (p.s. I have heals and dps as well but im no 7k hitter as I focused on tanking but am willing to learn).


Sorry but not sorry about stepping over the the person above me. But I saw Revan and core and 9/10 so you gonna have to duke me out for this one Alix. :p


We at Origin are currently looking for a healer for Revan Progression (9/10 pre 4.0 and CM 8 and 16m Hm pre 4.0) (currently on the Core phase as well). As long as you can pull ~5k EHPS on the fight and perform the Abberations mechanics then that's all we need. If interested click Origin in my sig and sign up and/or contact Create, Cinisia Ingame. We run Tuesday/Friday's 10-1am E.


Or if you really want to tank you can look at fortitude..... Heck why not both! :p

Edited by FerkWork
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