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Scritchy & There you Are!


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Server: Red Eclipse

I logged in to feed Scritchy for the last time to get the 10/10 and that achievement... Found Scritchy, ran up to grab the food and that's when it all fell apart... No food box... I left the instance, reset it and tried again... Still no food box. Its gone. Poor Scritchy will go hungry now.


There was some suggestion in the general chat on the server that, perhaps, this is tied to the rakghoul event. Maybe... Except for two things... 1) I have been feeding him off and on since the last successful Rakghoul event (i.e. in the space between events). 2) Scritchy is there, Lorkin is there, only the food box is missing.


Any fixes to this would be nice... especially before Scritchy grows severely hungry and starts eating the Military branch of the alliance. Unless we are seeing the foreshadow of the Odessen Rakghoul Event....

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1st time I looked for it, Scritchy was right next the "r" the word "Hanger" (~ -471, 215). No box.


2nd time, approx. 1 hour later (when the original post was made), Scritchy was against the west wall ~ -526, 186. Another player confirmed both scratchy and lack of the box in their instance.


3rd time, the time of this post. Scritchy was to the left of were the box is, on the elbow pipe (~ -486, 86), and the box was there.


Perhaps its due to the location of Scritchy. In any case, it was confirmed by more than just me, so there is something going on there. Not that "they" are gonna do anything about it.

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I tested this a bit more earlier on - I got the box to not appear, but I'd already done the daily earlier.


After the reset today I went back in, and the box was there. Completed the daily, went out, came back and box wasn't there.


So yes the box is disappearing, but I can't replicate your bug (as its working for me based on the limited selection i've done)

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