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Commando Healer needs toned UP


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Instead of a nerf-thread, I want to create a BUFF thread! Commando healers are awful in efficiency, awful boring to play, and, just awful in general! They NEED HELP.


1. Better energy management! They run out of power WAY too fast!

2. Better heals! The commando heals in PVP are crap! If kolto-shell is supposed to match roaming mend, try again DEVS. A better "smart" heal is needed, and one that heals for more.


3. Management of being focused needs improvement! The biggest weakness of the healing commando is how easily they are shutdown and rendered totally useless then KILLED.


This is the reason why they are 100% crap in 4v4s, when there is no where to LOS or hide.


Either strengthen their kiting abilities and buff their defensives, or just buff their defensives in general so they can withstand more focused damage.



*My analogy of a healing commando in 4v4s is that of a wildebeest being attacked by 2-3 lions. As the lions latch onto the poor creature with their teeth, the wildebeest is forced to succumb to the inevitable which is to slowly pull the hanging lions around till he can move no more and they kill him. that's what happens to a healing commando the inevitable is a torturous, painful death with no escape.

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Poor merc heals, they was playable at release and right behind 3.0 in any competetive PvP. RIP.

Anyway IMO 2.10 was the best time ever in PvP balance in dis game.


I'd agree with 2.10 balance being the best class balance we have seen. Although balance has generally been the best at the end of patch cycles and more screwed in the beginning of the next one. 3.x just never really achieved the level of balance seen late in the previous patch cycles in my opinion.


I've been advocating in several threads swapping phase walk from sorc to merc, and swapping the jet away reverse charge to sorc. Would be a needed nerf to sorc kiting while buffing merc and giving them the focus fire escape they sorely need.

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They didn't even try to balance in 3.x and with 4.0 start any balance fixes is out of logic. IMO. As for now i don't care coz my game is few wz-s and few PvE daily-s in relax mode, untill any good scy-fi MMO starts or untill my sub is end. Tho the last will be faster. Edited by helpmewin
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