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Does a light side wrath actually draws power from all emotions?


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Will its the better experience in being a light side SW I wonder how is he still able to choke or crush the neck or heart of enemies with the force if he is light side. So does he draw power from all emotions like anger, hate, love, compassion, pain, happiness, lust not just anger or hate or pain?

Like Kyle Katarn?

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A lot of people channel emotions like anger, fear, and even hate into positive goals. It may not necessarily be healthy, but it is positive.


The other thing to remember is a lot of the DS/LS choices the Sith face are between "Lawful Neutral" and "Chaotic Stupid", so even a light-side warrior may be closer to "Not pointlessly cruel" than outright "good".

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Will its the better experience in being a light side SW I wonder how is he still able to choke or crush the neck or heart of enemies with the force if he is light side. So does he draw power from all emotions like anger, hate, love, compassion, pain, happiness, lust not just anger or hate or pain?

Like Kyle Katarn?


The moves of the force (like choke) are not actually "Dark Side moves" as pointed out by Kyle Katarn. He mentions (and the movies imply it) that the Force is simply there and it is how you use it that the problems show up.


So using choke in the middle of a fight isnt really an issue (we see Luke do it, and Kyle does it all the time) because when these characters are calm and collected when they use it.



How I always took the Sith Warrior (sense my SW was basically a Jedi in all but name in disguise trying to bring down the Sith) that he is calm and collected. He simply puts on a show of using hate and rage to fuel himself, but if you were to read his emotions you would see there is not rage or anger. The LS SW takes a little head canon/role playing to make it work but rewards you when it does.

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The moves of the force (like choke) are not actually "Dark Side moves" as pointed out by Kyle Katarn. He mentions (and the movies imply it) that the Force is simply there and it is how you use it that the problems show up.


So using choke in the middle of a fight isnt really an issue (we see Luke do it, and Kyle does it all the time) because when these characters are calm and collected when they use it.



How I always took the Sith Warrior (sense my SW was basically a Jedi in all but name in disguise trying to bring down the Sith) that he is calm and collected. He simply puts on a show of using hate and rage to fuel himself, but if you were to read his emotions you would see there is not rage or anger. The LS SW takes a little head canon/role playing to make it work but rewards you when it does.


Strange is I never saw him use lighting. All that power and no lighting.

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The moves of the force (like choke) are not actually "Dark Side moves" as pointed out by Kyle Katarn. He mentions (and the movies imply it) that the Force is simply there and it is how you use it that the problems show up.


So using choke in the middle of a fight isnt really an issue (we see Luke do it, and Kyle does it all the time) because when these characters are calm and collected when they use it.



How I always took the Sith Warrior (sense my SW was basically a Jedi in all but name in disguise trying to bring down the Sith) that he is calm and collected. He simply puts on a show of using hate and rage to fuel himself, but if you were to read his emotions you would see there is not rage or anger. The LS SW takes a little head canon/role playing to make it work but rewards you when it does.


Kyle's view of the force changes as he realizes eventually that line of thinking is wrong. (Kyle even falls a few times. He struggles very hard with Light and Dark.) Certain powers are fueled in certain ways. It's been stated in the EU "There's no such thing as light or dark powers" is wrong. The potentium theory is bogus. However, I'm just nitpicking. You know what is interesting? Force Choke actually isn't a dark power anyway. It's considered neutral. Also as you pointed out in your post about head canon it's kind of like force unleashed. In force unleashed you use force lightning throughout the game but in the book Marek near the end stops using dark side powers completely as he embraces the light. There's also gameplay mechanics. Personally I like to imagine my light assassin using electric judgement as opposed to force lightning.


Strange is I never saw him use lighting. All that power and no lighting.


Some force users specialize in certain powers over others. He does have a power that's extremely rare that can be used as a juggernaut or Marauder. Raging Burst which is firing a dark side energy blast. Potent Dark Side energy blasts are very rare but usually have similar displays in damage to force lightning (even going as far as vaporizing or turning people into charred skeletons) while also being rarer and much harder to do. The dark side energy blasts, as well as the warrior's ability to enhance his body through the force to be a devastating melee combatant, makes him a very powerful threat.

Edited by Rhyltran
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Some force users specialize in certain powers over others. He does have a power that's extremely rare that can be used as a juggernaut or Marauder. Raging Burst which is firing a dark side energy blast. Potent Dark Side energy blasts are very rare but usually have similar displays in damage to force lightning (even going as far as vaporizing or turning people into charred skeletons) while also being rarer and much harder to do. The dark side energy blasts, as well as the warrior's ability to enhance his body through the force to be a devastating melee combatant, makes him a very powerful threat.

Is his ability to enhance his body trough the force the dark side equivalent with one with the force that Luke, Jacen and Anakin Solo used?

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Is his ability to enhance his body trough the force the dark side equivalent with one with the force that Luke, Jacen and Anakin Solo used?


Any Jedi/Sith can enhance their body through the force. Just the more powerful the Jedi/Sith the better they can do it. Some specialize almost entirely on swordplay (like the warrior) so their skill in focusing on boost their speed, reflexes, precognitive abilities, and strength are usually higher. It's why there's displays where even human force users have lifted people off the ground with one hand. Take Marr.


When facing Lachris he moved so quickly she lost sight of him until she heard him behind her. Despite looking right at him. This is a combination of how powerful Marr is and how far his mastery of force speed is. It's reasons like this that people can't just count out a force user who doesn't have the most impressive force displays. Example, Vader was incapable of using force lightning. He can't do many of the fancy abilities or powers other Sith have done before him. So he focused, when it comes to outward force abilities, his telekinesis and he has some of the best Telekinesis feats in the mythos.


Being able to only use telekinesis has given him quite a huge mastery over it.


Then there's Darth Maul. Another force user who has shown no ability in force lightning but has defeated force users capable of force lightning. Even fought a witch who used force lightning on him, he tanked right through it, and killed her anyway. :p

Edited by Rhyltran
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well thats because they wanted to make lighting exclusive for inquisitor, but at one time theyve been thinking about one lighting related skill for warrior, but we got nothing sadly:rolleyes:


you got force choke! don't steal our awesome defebrilator power! :p

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About lightning - I can presume that it didn't suit Warrior's chosen tactics. If I am not mistaken, almost all lightning users needed to stay still for some time to concentrate on channeling energy - to make any significant output, I mean. Warrior's style instead is almost all about moving and rapid strikes; for him it is more effective to use telekinesis and some other techniques that could be conjured in seconds.
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I get the feeling this game is really pushing you into grey area, whether you play sith or jedi. With all the lore and side characters who do not follow the traditional codes.

It always bugs me when jedi say that only a sith deals with absolutes. Then they go on saying "There is no fear, only harmony" or some other sentiment that pretty much just made them sith if you follow their previous logic.


Besides, IRL people who do not have any sense of fear get themselves killed young and win Darwin awards.


A lot of people channel emotions like anger, fear, and even hate into positive goals. It may not necessarily be healthy, but it is positive.


I can recommend angry cleaning, fast and effective. And self fueling, if you also hate house chores. If you ever come to my house looking top notch, it is advised to proceed with caution.

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It always bugs me when jedi say that only a sith deals with absolutes. Then they go on saying "There is no fear, only harmony" or some other sentiment that pretty much just made them sith if you follow their previous logic.

The Jedi see their philosophy as being for Jedi. They don't believe that it needs to be forced on the whole galaxy. You don't want to be a Jedi, that's fine, you don't need to live by their code. The Jedi will leave you alone, and/or do their best to look out for your rights as a free sentient. In that sense, their philosophy is not an absolute. They don't deny that emotions exist or even that they themselves have emotions (nobody can switch those off entirely) - they just believe that to serve the Force, you need to be able to set your own passions and desires aside. Balance, rather than excess or extreme, is their core principle.

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The Jedi see their philosophy as being for Jedi. They don't believe that it needs to be forced on the whole galaxy. You don't want to be a Jedi, that's fine, you don't need to live by their code. The Jedi will leave you alone, and/or do their best to look out for your rights as a free sentient. In that sense, their philosophy is not an absolute. They don't deny that emotions exist or even that they themselves have emotions (nobody can switch those off entirely) - they just believe that to serve the Force, you need to be able to set your own passions and desires aside. Balance, rather than excess or extreme, is their core principle.


This. In fact if you're a Jedi and decide "You know what? I don't like being a Jedi. The code doesn't sit well with me. I'm done with this crap." You can choose to tell the council you quit and just walk out. No one will arrest you and no one will try to stop you (they may try to change your mind through words but you're free to ignore it.) The only time the council will intervene is you decide to start murdering people.

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