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Anyone else losing their credits from sales on the cartel market?


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FFXIV blows this and almost every other MMO out of the water. Sorry you have such bad opinions.


This, dude. I was with it at launch, and when they failed to deliver the game they thought we deserved they let us play it free until they could revamp it into a product worth paying for. Even if I'm not currently subscribed because I've got a two-MMORPG-limited budget, I will always respect it and I plan to return as soon as my real life is a little more reasonable.


Man....now I miss it. :(

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then why are you here, lmao :D


I can afford to play two MMOs most of the time, and when I have better uses for my money I go F2P on this. I like SWTOR for what it is, but anyone who says FFXIV isn't hands down the only MMO still worth a sub cost is lying. (WoW is also fun, but my interest kind of petered off around Northrend.)

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I can afford to play two MMOs most of the time, and when I have better uses for my money I go F2P on this. I like SWTOR for what it is, but anyone who says FFXIV isn't hands down the only MMO still worth a sub cost is lying. (WoW is also fun, but my interest kind of petered off around Northrend.)


I'm not lying, FFXIV was garabage, i tried playing it with my girlfriend wanted to, sat there for a month or two (a realm reborn) being bored to tears. I thought the armor sucked, weapons sucked, graphics sucked, story sucked, enemies very long winded especially in dungeons made for a slow boring crawl. Horrible mmo almost as bad as ESO, but again that's my opinion, I don't really care what you think, i wouldn't recommend that game. :D

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I'm not lying, FFXIV was garabage, i tried playing it with my girlfriend wanted to, sat there for a month or two (a realm reborn) being bored to tears. I thought the armor sucked, weapons sucked, graphics sucked, story sucked, enemies very long winded especially in dungeons made for a slow boring crawl. Horrible mmo almost as bad as ESO, but again that's my opinion, I don't really care what you think, i wouldn't recommend that game. :D


You're welcome to your opinion, though I don't know how anyone can look at TORs graphics and say FFXIVs graphics 'suck'. There are people like you on every MMO, unable to accept that their current game isn't the only good one. One day you'll mature and realize all of them can be good in their own ways. TOR has its story and setting, FFXIV has its super solid pve content and amazing graphics and presentation.

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I lost over 6 mil in total. Not as much as some, a bit more than some others. I don't expect that BioWare will give a rat's fuzzy butt about this, the broken GTN, or basically any other major problem with this game. They would rather just watch it fade away into the void. I've invested too much into this game to quit playing it, but BioWare has proven that they absolutely couldn't care less about their fan base. Depressing, really. This game had potential, but it's being destroyed by the most incompetent team of neckbeards in software development.
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So far ive lost about 2 million in sales, i have the letters there i read them, no money attached and some have been there for 10 hours, when i was sleeping, no one knows my account password ect... its happened to all my characters also, all their credits are gone! And its happened on multiple guys


Have you fully logged out and logged back in?


That restored the credits attached to the sales for me once.

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