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Returning Player Looking for Guild


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Originally played during Beta and for about the 1st year and a half after retail release. Looking for a good guild to play with as the friends I used to play with no long play the game. I have multiple lvl 50/55 characters on both sides, though with the number of changes that have been made to the game, I'll probably be starting a new character to get a feel for what has changed before playing those characters again.


Other games I have played in the past include: Lord of the Rings Online and Star Wars Galaxies. I've tried few other games, though none of them have lived up to these three games.


Due to work schedule, I would mainly be on Tuesdays and Thursday from about 5pm EST until about 9pm EST and on Saturdays and Sundays random times as weekends tend to be a lot more flexible.

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Hello, Jaren!


<Covenant of the Phoenix> is a large and active community here on the Shadowlands. We have a ton of events and activities scheduled every night of the week and a slew of people who simply hang out in our Mumble channels to gab and play the game together. We're always recruiting! Feel free to check us out!


Here's some basic information describing how to join COTP via our forums: New Members info

Here's our most recent recruitment video:


We're also a multi-game community, so feel free to check out the many chapters COTP offers for its members. We always have a home and a community to game with: COTP forums

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The Art of Warfare (TAW) is a premier online multi-gaming community that has been around since 2001, with more than 2500 members playing over 20 games of all genres. In SWTOR we have been around since launch and have two healthy guilds: <TAW Republic> and <TAW Empire>


We are a large community of players and our guilds are strongly grounded in teamwork and friendship. Every member is treated equally and with respect, and we have a diverse community with people coming from all walks of life. We maintain a social, family-friendly atmosphere and we hold our members to a high standard of conduct. No matter what your interests are, whether you are casual, hardcore, or something in between, you’ll find what you’re looking for here.



What we offer:

Structured and organized guilds

Stable leadership with plenty of volunteer opportunities

A large, active, friendly population on both factions

A safe space for all people, enforced by a strong code of ethics

Opportunities to join teams for other games that TAW offers

Guild Flagships on both factions

Full 10% reputation and experience bonuses

A large teamspeak 3 server, website, and a stocked guild bank

Multiple teams on both factions

Fun weekly events

Previous visits by developers Jeff Hickman, Eric Musco, and Bruce Maclean



Teamspeak 3 and a microphone

Be at least 15 years old and have a mature attitude

Complete an application and orientation

Attend weekly guild meetings on Sundays at 9pm EST

Believe in and follow our established CODE OF ETHICS




Recruitment Status: OPEN to all levels, classes, and interests


Ready to join our Community? >>APPLY at TAW.NET<<

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