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4.0 + Companions not reacting to courting gifts correctly


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What it says up top, I don't know if this is tied into the 49 pages of romance bug reports that's yet to be addressed, but romanced companions gain no influence from courting gifts, this includes original companions and KotFE ones.


In the case of Theron, Lana & Koth all of their character information sheets confirm they are in a relationship with the player character but they gain no influence from courting gifts.


With original companions it appears to vary, Quinn & Doc do gain influence, but not the correct amount, Corso, Aric, Vector etc. gain no influence. None of the player characters involved have 'cheated' on their respective partners.


Non romanced companions such as Talos & Nico do gain influence from the gifts, but at the same levels they did pre-4.0.


This has been happening ever since 4.0 launched. Are the devs aware of it please?

Edited by Furtled
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4.0 apparently broke whatever flags they have tying relationship status to gifts. Some companions like courting gifts even if unromanced (especially Doc), but romanced companions either give none or the incorrect (unromanced) amount. Too bad Bioware hasn't even acknowledged (let alone fixed) the bug in the weeks since, despite revamping companion gift responses overall :rolleyes: Edited by Lesaberisa
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4.0 apparently broke whatever flags they have tying relationship status to gifts. Some companions like courting gifts even if unromanced (especially Doc), but romanced companions either give none or the incorrect (unromanced) amount. Too bad Bioware hasn't even acknowledged (let alone fixed) the bug in the weeks since, despite revamping companion gift responses overall :rolleyes:


Yeah - honestly it'd just be nice to know for sure if courting gifts not working means the romance is bugged so we could be sure which toons are safe to take through the expansion. Just don;t get why it's not been acknowledged at all :(

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