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So how strong was Revan really?


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As you all know we fought him in 2 instances in SWTOR the first time with a strike team formed by BH, Wrath, Nox, IA and the second time with 7 very powerful people one of the heroes and well a great mandalorian fighter, the grandmaster of the jedi order, Darth Marr, a powerful sith lord, a powerful republic agent, a wookie.

so how strong is he can 2 force users and 2 non force users defeat him or 4 force users and 3 non force users can defeat him or 3 force users and 4 non force users can kill him?


So really how strong is he?

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Stronger than what you described really.


It wasn't just those who did it, it was that they were a collection of some of the very best the galaxy could offer, and even then they struggled to take them down.


For all the story says that the Knight, Warrior and Consular are the best/most powerful the galaxy has seen, they fall short when compared to a few force users (and a few non force users...though they tend to have numbers and lots of tech on their side I believe).

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Stronger than what you described really.


It wasn't just those who did it, it was that they were a collection of some of the very best the galaxy could offer, and even then they struggled to take them down.


For all the story says that the Knight, Warrior and Consular are the best/most powerful the galaxy has seen, they fall short when compared to a few force users (and a few non force users...though they tend to have numbers and lots of tech on their side I believe).


So stronger then the 4 heroes and weaker then the 7 heroes?

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Stronger than what you described really.


It wasn't just those who did it, it was that they were a collection of some of the very best the galaxy could offer, and even then they struggled to take them down.


For all the story says that the Knight, Warrior and Consular are the best/most powerful the galaxy has seen, they fall short when compared to a few force users (and a few non force users...though they tend to have numbers and lots of tech on their side I believe).

Pft... Non-force users? Are you insane? There's no non-forceusers that has a chance against the best force users in Star Wars, be it legends, EU, canon or w/e you call it. It's a fact ; the best force users never lose to non-force users, the best non-force users have their hands full with decent force users.

Of course, 10 of the best non-force users could kill one of the ones you mentioned.


Also, the story doesn't say that the Knight/Warrior/Consualar is the strongest anymore than they say that the Inq is (it's actually a direct line; "from slavery rises the most powerful Sith in generations, Thanaton is right to fear you" - Darth Decimus. BUt it's irrelevant, we have no way to say who's stronger. But you're pointing out the ones you like, without anything "from the story", but mostly from your headcanon.

Edited by Leaveshill
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Pft... Non-force users? Are you insane? There's no non-forceusers that has a chance against the best force users in Star Wars, be it legends, EU, canon or w/e you call it. It's a fact ; the best force users never lose to non-force users, the best non-force users have their hands full with decent force users.

Of course, 10 of the best non-force users could kill one of the ones you mentioned.


Also, the story doesn't say that the Knight/Warrior/Consualar is the strongest anymore than they say that the Inq is (it's actually a direct line; "from slavery rises the most powerful Sith in generations, Thanaton is right to fear you" - Darth Decimus. BUt it's irrelevant, we have no way to say who's stronger. But you're pointing out the ones you like, without anything "from the story", but mostly from your headcanon.


I'm pointing out the ones I like o.O Inquisitor is tied for my favorite, but I just forgot that line :p I was not playing favorites. I don't care for the Knight or Warrior storylines, they do each have a good companion or two :p

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Pft... Non-force users? Are you insane? There's no non-forceusers that has a chance against the best force users in Star Wars, be it legends, EU, canon or w/e you call it. It's a fact ; the best force users never lose to non-force users, the best non-force users have their hands full with decent force users.

Of course, 10 of the best non-force users could kill one of the ones you mentioned.


Also, the story doesn't say that the Knight/Warrior/Consualar is the strongest anymore than they say that the Inq is (it's actually a direct line; "from slavery rises the most powerful Sith in generations, Thanaton is right to fear you" - Darth Decimus. BUt it's irrelevant, we have no way to say who's stronger. But you're pointing out the ones you like, without anything "from the story", but mostly from your headcanon.


So are you sure of that do you really thing a non force user has no chance to beat one of the best force users? Because there was one exception to the rule and it was not in a video game it was in a comic with our most loved Mandalorian. Of course he was sly but it happened.

Edited by adormitul
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Revan is born from a video game... he is going to be as strong as the plot demands, as if he dies, the game stops. Same thing happened with Galen Marek in force unleashed, if he died, then the game would end, and the game needed a way to progress or "level up" so he naturally becomes OP in the game, and even in a few cut scenes.


Revan is also in so far back in a time zone from the movies, that they can do whatever they want, he can conquer the galaxy, enslave all the planets, but he remains 2700 years away so we just assume something happens, as it may interfere with cannon. Its such a large gap where you can just assume the best, as history is unwritten. He's not nearly in such a strict time zone such as Darth Vader, history is already written for him, he rules the galaxy by his emperors side killing jedi, sith, bounty hunters, etc etc alike till Luke comes along.


Speaking of cannon, I'm pretty sure Bioware isn't even sticking to the original movies and are in there own universe.


Basically there's much more room for him to be OP.

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What the others said about his strength being based on Plot, and probably with some Rule of Cool thrown in. Using the in-game difficulty of bosses to determine how strong they "Really" are is kind of dodgey since a lot of that ultimately just boils down to what would make for a challenging boss battle than "realism".


I suppose there may be some implied justifications for how the hell Revan could stand against so many of what were supposed to to be among the most powerful and skilled people in the galaxy, though.



On Yavin 4, a planet with a history of being used for all kinds of crazy Sith things, you're not fighting Revan so much as the Dark Side half of his spirit...or...whatever. That has also had time to prepare, drink in all that potential power, and is actually doing exactly what Vitiate wanted him to do the entire time. I think there may be enough things that could have buffed that thing up to the level we saw rather than just accepting "LOL, half of Revan is that much better than you". Especially given the amount of emphasis the game puts on how important and powerful the player characters are supposed to be.


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I mean I do not think he was as strong as all 7 heroes after all he lost but my point is another have you noticed that he could not keep up with all of them and he used a ritual to stun most of them besides the PC who seems to have awesome resistance to that kind of thing.

Yeah I am pretty sure that was by far the strongest of all 7 of them and 4 as strong as the PC give no chance to Revan as the foundry proved.

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I'd say Revan is/was the second strongest character from our time period. He loses of course to Vitiate/Valkorion.

i believe we will see some super juice from Vaylin soon enough... remember she is not even scratching her full potential right now

Arcann seems to be really careful around her, and it's not the "egg - kind of thing" more like... if you won't pull out hand fast enough while feeding that T-Rex You will be eaten and digested into nice zakuul doodoo

Edited by lukewarcriminal
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i believe we will see some super juice from Vaylin soon enough... remember she is not even scratching her full potential right now

Arcann seems to be really careful around her, and it's not the "egg - kind of thing" more like... if you won't pull out hand fast enough while feeding that T-Rex You will be eaten and digested into nice zakuul doodoo


Arcann has much more experience while facing force sentives, and not to mention Vaylin isn't exactly right in the head. It wont be hard to exploit her as she is mentally unstable and seems to think highly of herself. I don't know why everyone thinks Arcann is such a weakling... he fought against jedi and sith alike conquering planets and defeating some of the best... meanwhile only thing Vaylin has done is use her god given powers.

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Something to remember, Vaylin lost to SENYA!! So she's not as tough sh*t as she thinks. She'll definitly be a LOT stronger when the block gets removed, but until then she's not as tough as she thinks.

As for Revan, ignoring the plot crap, he managed to defeat the Mandalorians, the Jedi, the Sith and destroy a device created by the Rakatas. He lost to the Emperor because the Wrath knew the Jedi Knight was the only one who could (Stupid plot armour) and so he betrayed Revan + The Exile was about to be killed, but Revan sacrificed himself to save her... Don't remember who/where it says that, but I remember someone says that.


So on a scale of 12-23, with 12 being Luke's Aunt and Uncle and 23 being Luke Skywalker's plot armour, I'd say Revan is about a 21.


He's a master t in every weapon. He's a genius in building stuff (HK ftw!). He's got a leaders personality which makes people want to follow him and he's earned the respect of multiple Mandalores. He's not a man/woman I would want to f**k with solo.

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As for Revan, ignoring the plot crap, he managed to defeat the Mandalorians, the Jedi, the Sith and destroy a device created by the Rakatas. He lost to the Emperor because the Wrath knew the Jedi Knight was the only one who could (Stupid plot armour) and so he betrayed Revan + The Exile was about to be killed, but Revan sacrificed himself to save her... Don't remember who/where it says that, but I remember someone says that.


So on a scale of 12-23, with 12 being Luke's Aunt and Uncle and 23 being Luke Skywalker's plot armour, I'd say Revan is about a 21.


He's a master t in every weapon. He's a genius in building stuff (HK ftw!). He's got a leaders personality which makes people want to follow him and he's earned the respect of multiple Mandalores. He's not a man/woman I would want to f**k with solo.


Still requires the plot since you did all that in a video game. Characters who starred into video games shouldn't even be rated or face other people that came from a movie. Its like a comic book character vs movie character...

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Something to remember, Vaylin lost to SENYA!! So she's not as tough sh*t as she thinks. She'll definitly be a LOT stronger when the block gets removed, but until then she's not as tough as she thinks.


Have u considered that maybe Senya is just that good? one of the best zakuul knights after all? and Vaylin is not even close to her potential so she will be really really strong, Arcann is nobody comparing to her - i am sure of it.

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Lightsaber skill must be improved by training and experience no matter how strong you are in the force that will not increase your lightsaber skill.

Look at Vitiate his force powers are godlike but his lightsaber skills are not very good or good and he does not even likes using them.

Vaylin just fought in the wrong way she should have battled her mother in force powers not lightsaber duel.

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Lightsaber skill must be improved by training and experience no matter how strong you are in the force that will not increase your lightsaber skill.

Look at Vitiate his force powers are godlike but his lightsaber skills are not very good or good and he does not even likes using them.

Vaylin just fought in the wrong way she should have battled her mother in force powers not lightsaber duel.


well u wouldnt use lightsaber if u could just turn it off with power of your mind or just dominate some at will. vaylin losing like that was mostly faullt of poor saber skills rather than her weakness

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