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Forgive the crosspost, looking for a new server


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Hey everyone, and thanks for looking! I posted this in a couple other forums, but someone from this server replied on my thread and requested I check out BC, so I thought I would post here and get some opinions about this server as well.


I am currently in search of a new server to call home. I'm looking for an overall friendly, helpful, mature community. (In an MMO?! Perish the thought! But surely one exists... somewhere!) I have played this game off and on since launch, was "dumped" onto Harbinger when the servers merged, and through the years have seen it become quite toxic (in my opinion). People can be pretty hateful to each other anywhere, however it seems like Harbinger folks pride themselves on how mean they can be to others at times.


I have both Republic and Imperial characters, and once I have found a promising server will probably transfer at least one of each. I ive in the Central time zone, so a west coast server might actually be more suitable than an east coast one. I do not actively RP, but I have no problems with anyone who does. I enjoy mostly PVE, (mainly leveling, running flashpoints, doing heroics, etc... haven't done ops in this game, or any other since WoW, but would LOVE LOVE to find a great group to get started with), and I do like a little unranked PVP occasionally. It would be great to find a server with a good balance on each side, or at least one not entirely dominated by one faction, but it seems those don't really exist from what I have been reading.


Can anyone give me some insight on BC? How is the overall attitude of the community? Nice people vs hateful trolls ratio? :cool: the economy? pvp balance? etc..


Any help and opinions are welcome. Thank you again, and I appreciate anyone taking the time to reply.

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Hey everyone, and thanks for looking! I posted this in a couple other forums, but someone from this server replied on my thread and requested I check out BC, so I thought I would post here and get some opinions about this server as well.


I am currently in search of a new server to call home. I'm looking for an overall friendly, helpful, mature community. (In an MMO?! Perish the thought! But surely one exists... somewhere!) I have played this game off and on since launch, was "dumped" onto Harbinger when the servers merged, and through the years have seen it become quite toxic (in my opinion). People can be pretty hateful to each other anywhere, however it seems like Harbinger folks pride themselves on how mean they can be to others at times.


I have both Republic and Imperial characters, and once I have found a promising server will probably transfer at least one of each. I ive in the Central time zone, so a west coast server might actually be more suitable than an east coast one. I do not actively RP, but I have no problems with anyone who does. I enjoy mostly PVE, (mainly leveling, running flashpoints, doing heroics, etc... haven't done ops in this game, or any other since WoW, but would LOVE LOVE to find a great group to get started with), and I do like a little unranked PVP occasionally. It would be great to find a server with a good balance on each side, or at least one not entirely dominated by one faction, but it seems those don't really exist from what I have been reading.


Can anyone give me some insight on BC? How is the overall attitude of the community? Nice people vs hateful trolls ratio? :cool: the economy? pvp balance? etc..


Any help and opinions are welcome. Thank you again, and I appreciate anyone taking the time to reply.


Zandressa that was me! I copied the post I left on the other server below. Please check out my post on the guild recruitment page of the BC server for Sith Praxium guild. Also visit are website below if you are interested. Hope to hear from you or see you in game.




I know this post is for the JC server but before you decide check us out on the Begeren Colony server. Sith Praxium is a PvE/Ops/GSF guild that is looking for new members. Some of are members do pvp as well. We also have a Rep guild called Jedi Praxium. We use to be one of the largest and most active guild on the BC server before player transfers to other servers. Check us out on the website below.


I hope everyone on the JC server who sees this post understands I'm not trying to take away players from your server, I just saw this person's post on swtor's list of servers. Good luck to all of you on the JC server.


Thx Yudo

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Zandressa that was me! I copied the post I left on the other server below. Please check out my post on the guild recruitment page of the BC server for Sith Praxium guild. Also visit are website below if you are interested. Hope to hear from you or see you in game.




I know this post is for the JC server but before you decide check us out on the Begeren Colony server. Sith Praxium is a PvE/Ops/GSF guild that is looking for new members. Some of are members do pvp as well. We also have a Rep guild called Jedi Praxium. We use to be one of the largest and most active guild on the BC server before player transfers to other servers. Check us out on the website below.


I hope everyone on the JC server who sees this post understands I'm not trying to take away players from your server, I just saw this person's post on swtor's list of servers. Good luck to all of you on the JC server.


Thx Yudo


Yes, it was and I DO appreciate the reply, however you really only gave me guild recruitment information, and I'm looking for server information and opinions to go along with that. I will definitely keep your guild in mind if I transfer to BC!! ;)

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Yes, it was and I DO appreciate the reply, however you really only gave me guild recruitment information, and I'm looking for server information and opinions to go along with that. I will definitely keep your guild in mind if I transfer to BC!!


Sorry about that, the server has lost a lot of good players / guilds with the discounted player transfers BW offered. The server has gone more in the RP direction then PvE over the last year. But I have seen new PvE guilds start up recently which is a good sign. As in the PvP game, I couldn't tell you to be honest since I don't PvP. As for server population the server is still somewhat healthy compared to other U.S. servers. As of today, the BC server ranks right in the middle of all U.S. servers (5/8). Regarding the trolls, I believe every server has them all I don't know if the BC server has more or less then other servers since all my characters are on this server except one (Harbinger)


Hope that helps you out more about the BC server.


Thx Yudo

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Hey everyone, and thanks for looking! I posted this in a couple other forums, but someone from this server replied on my thread and requested I check out BC, so I thought I would post here and get some opinions about this server as well.


I am currently in search of a new server to call home. I'm looking for an overall friendly, helpful, mature community. (In an MMO?! Perish the thought! But surely one exists... somewhere!) I have played this game off and on since launch, was "dumped" onto Harbinger when the servers merged, and through the years have seen it become quite toxic (in my opinion). People can be pretty hateful to each other anywhere, however it seems like Harbinger folks pride themselves on how mean they can be to others at times.


I have both Republic and Imperial characters, and once I have found a promising server will probably transfer at least one of each. I ive in the Central time zone, so a west coast server might actually be more suitable than an east coast one. I do not actively RP, but I have no problems with anyone who does. I enjoy mostly PVE, (mainly leveling, running flashpoints, doing heroics, etc... haven't done ops in this game, or any other since WoW, but would LOVE LOVE to find a great group to get started with), and I do like a little unranked PVP occasionally. It would be great to find a server with a good balance on each side, or at least one not entirely dominated by one faction, but it seems those don't really exist from what I have been reading.


Can anyone give me some insight on BC? How is the overall attitude of the community? Nice people vs hateful trolls ratio? :cool: the economy? pvp balance? etc..


Any help and opinions are welcome. Thank you again, and I appreciate anyone taking the time to reply.


***Before I go into detail to answer your post, you should know going in that BC is a pretty small community. This automatically has some disadvantages that I need to mention: Group finder queues will take a while and PVP queues take longer than they do on Harbinger. Now, with that out of the way, let's dive in...


Community: BC's community is pretty darn great compared to some of the other servers I have toons on. As usual, there are some trolls but, literally, there are maybe a dozen TOTAL on the server. A lot of the trolls/ragers/abusive players left the server during the dirt cheap transfer period. Ironically, a lot of em ended up on Harbinger which, judging from your experiences and mine there, has become quite toxic.


You'll find helpful people here and there, but I wouldn't say there are a ton of people willing to go out of their way to help with something. I think it's important for me to say, however, that asking a question in general chat usually gets you several helpful replies and maybe even a whisper or two (along with the single mandatory troll response ;)).


Economy: I haven't been involved too heavily in the economies of other servers, so I can't give you an accurate comparison on the prices of items between BC and other servers. However, I can say that my selling of materials and cartel items on the GTN usually go pretty swiftly (within the 2 day sales period) so it's safe to say that the economy is quite active.


PVP Balance: Coming from Harbinger, you'll notice that the skill level of the average solo player in warzones will be quite a bit lower than you are used to. That's not to say that there aren't still some pretty decent players. Overall, the imperial side seems to have the edge in the quality of their solo queue players, but it's not a huge discrepancy.


As for premades, Dead Eagles (republic) and Blood Oath (imperial) are the two most dominant guilds, in terms of how often their team wins. Dead Eagles has many more players though, so it's not uncommon to run into a full 8 man premade. Though Blood Oath wins a ton of the time they are running, their guild is only made up of a single PVE raid team and a few friends, so they are seen more rarely in matches.


I feel it is important to note that most of the players who are pvping on this server are pretty laid back. I was personally surprised by how many games ended with "gg"s by both sides. Even the premades that run from the two aforementioned guilds show very few signs of elitism.


Ranked PVP: This is the area where BC does fall short compared to other servers. There are not many players on this server queueing for ranked. Even the better pvpers generally stick to unranked. BC's PVP community seems to do PVP more for "funsies" than to actually be super competitive.


Operations: Most, if not all, of the true progression guilds left during a mass exodus that came with the cheap server transfers. This shouldn't affect you too harshly though, seeing as in your post you mentioned that you would just be getting started in SWTOR's operations scene. Most guilds do SM operations and you'll see the occasional group pugging in general chat. However, I'd say there are very few raid teams tackling HM operations at the moment.


I hope this helped. If you do decide to transfer here, than let me be the first to give you an early "welcome!" If you decide to go somewhere else, then I bid you farewell and happy hunting :)

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