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Cartel Item sharing


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I purchased a cartel market armor set and its now in my collections. The toon I purchased it with can wear it, however when I try the collections purchase so all my toons can wear it nothing happens. The purchase is highlighted in collections but when I click it nothing happens.


Any ideas on what the problem could be. I placed a ticket almost a week ago with no response yet.


Thank you :)

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Are you making the purchase efro.the same character that unlocked it from the collections window or are you going to a different character that's never had the item?


That shouldn't matter any more - the 4.0 patch enabled the option for the character that unlocked the item to also be able to unlock it for legacy.

Not sure what is going on with the OP - but a complete log-out and restart sometimes fixes these kinds of issues.

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I tried with all my characters thinking I was doing something wrong. The character that purchased the armor can make copies but cant purchase the copy for other toons. I logged on to each of my other toons to try and same thing, its highlighted but nothing happens :(
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I have this problem as well and it seems to vary from set to set. Some sets I can unlock with no problem, others I can't. Even a full reinstall of the game, installing a fresh copy on a friend's computer that never had SWTOR on it before, nor relogging repeatedly has worked. I opened a ticket about it, but got a completely useless copy/paste answer (of course) despite telling them all of the above, as well as stating that I completed the set weeks ago. Sent a reply 2 weeks ago but never heard back. Here's their response:

Certain types of legacy unlocks can sometimes take time to sync on to your account. If you purchase an unlock and it does not appear to have applied on your character right away, please do not repurchase the unlock.


If you're still not seeing the unlock after an hour or after a full restart of the game, please let us know and we will check on it for you.

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Well at least I'm not the only one with this problem :(


Kinda stinks spending money on something thinking everyone gets to wear it. The armor I bought wasnt even for that toon it was just that she had the most money in the bank /sigh


It seems the open ticket help is just as screwy as the cartel purchase since I haven't even got a "boo" from customer service

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