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Alacrity Rating for Arsenal/Gunnery Merc and Commando


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I was hoping a more informed player could offer some advice on what a good Alacrity rating is in 4.0 for Arsenal or Gunnery Mercenary/Commando.


Currently, I'm adding augments, and would rather not have to make or buy new ones later.


Thanks in advance...

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I'm running into issues, similar to when 3.0 first came out, with proc misfires when I'm over 800 alacrity. Is anyone else experiencing this?


This is occurring with both Arsenal and IO currently. I'm 100% sure it's something linked with alacrity after reviewing recordings. This is different from the Vent Heat 10% alacrity issue during 3.0 since it occurs even when vent heat is not popped.


I'm talking about base alacrity over 800 causing mischief.

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