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Ignore command retroactive


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Currently when putting someone on ignore the system prevents you from seeing any NEW mesages from that character.


I think it would be a good idea to make it retroactive to all the messages in the chat from that person, removing ALL posts in my chat from the /ignored person, including ones already posted


For example, a gold seller posts his advertisement, I put him on ignore, but the advertisement already posted stays up in chat. They are still getting the advertisement value even if they are on ignore. You dont see any new messages, of course. But the old one is still there. I would like /ignore to stop seeing new message AND wipe the existing messages from chat. This might also reduce the "spam" reporting to Game because currently when I get a gold spam, I first put them on ignore, then i send in a spam report. If they are completely removed, i dont have a name to click on to do the spam report with.


With the various abusive people and their targets, even after /ignore currently the message that was offending stays up, and can continue to keep the impact going. But if /ignore removed the offending comment, it would lessen the impact, and it would be satisfying to "wipe the jerk from existance"

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It's unlikely they'll ever make it erase previous messages due to the nature of the way the thing works.


What you'd be better off pursuing is a "clear chat" button or /command that just erases your chat buffer and starts over.


In the meantime, if you're bothered by what you see in the little box before it scrolls off, do a bunch of emotes (don't spam them around other people) or sent yourself a bunch of /whispers until the error message pushes everything you don't want to see off your screen.

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of course it is doable to make message scroll off screen. It would take multiple clicks to do it, you cant set up a macro to do it in this game. And it would feel weak, while /ignoring and "Wiping someone from existance" with one click would feel much stronger.


And i keep running into people who dont know that marketing works. It really does. Those gold sellers know that most people put them on ignore, do you think they dont know? The point of their action is to have the advertisement up, and have it up as long as they can. It is Marketing, and it really works. But if the advertisement could be removed completely and very quickly, then the power of their marketing is dramatically reduced.


Most people really hate gold sellers. This would not get rid of them, but anything to reduce it is a good thing.

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Again, someone who doesnt understand the power of Marketing. There is a reason every website has advertisements, TV has advertisements, why you cant watch a youtube video without marketing popups, and companies spend triple digit millions for a 15 second add during a superbowl game


My suggestion isnt just about gold spammers, it is also about offensive comments and putting the abusive person on ignore. Removing the offensive comment completely is better than haveing it stay up in your face. An African-american would love to have the n-word removed if used on him, leaving it there would continue to make him angry. That applies to all kinds of offensive comments.


And please dont post insults, the forum guidelines are very specific about this. Saying "you have no willpower to resist" is taking a potshot at me that I dont appreciate, and violates terms. Talk about the subject material, dont attack the person posting.

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Bioware doesn't give a fck about making it easier to mitigate gold spammers.


During the Seattle Community Cantina in 2014, I presented this idea (along with some related ones, like combining ignore and report spam into a single action) to the devs who were present. They were so woefully ignorant of their own game that they didn't even know this had not yet been implemented. But hey, in KotFE, you can be THE OUTLANDER! :rolleyes:


If they haven't had the pride in their MMO to improve the chat function therein in four years, they're sure as hell not going to get off their duffs and do it now.

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@ AdrianDmitruk


perhaps you were approaching it from a player perspective, not showing Bioware how to reduce costs, save money, and increase profits.


As I mentioned in my OP, if this ignore change was implemented it would reduce the amount of spam tickets (against gold spammers and others), and harrasment tickets (a lot of the minor tickets can be solved by an ignore). The company has to deal with these, whether with a computer (computer time still costs money, need to be programmed, maintained, etc) or by an actual person (much more expensive than a computer).


I dont know how much money Bioware spends on dealing with tickets, but it must be significant. Reducing it would save them money, and make it worth doing. If a company makes (for example) $1,000,000 and make 4% profit, that is $40,000. A single percentage point of cost reduction ($10,000 off that $1,000,000) doesnt sound like much, but it will have an huge impact on the profit margin of a company because that cost reduction transfers fully into profit, a 25% increase in profit.


Are you listening Bioware? There is money here for you.

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