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Dyes: Don't support bad GTN practice


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I don't know how much of the community looks here but it's probably the best way for me to tell a bunch of people on the server about something, so here goes.


I'm a guy who sells dyes on the GTN (among other things). Since they're consumable and you can only use them on 1 set of armor, whenever I put a dye up I try to put a price on it that's fair for both the guy buying it and for me, depending on the dyes rarity and the current market prices. That's why I generally tend to undercut prices by a decent chunk because I feel like prices right now are a lot higher than they should be for some dyes.


So it pisses me off when some guy (I know his name but I bet there's some rule against witchhunting so I can't really call him out here) buys all my dyes, and other peoples dyes, just to put 1 up at a time at a huge flip to create artificial scarcity. Now granted he can't sustain that over a long period of time with the more common dyes, but people putting there dyes up afterwards just scale down based off this new price, and if it gets too low again this guy will start buying the modules and keep doing what he does. Some dude, coming around at the exact right time and without the patience to wait,will think the new hiked up price is the actual price of the module and buy it. I know that would suck for me if I found out about it later.


On top of that, when he doesn't feel like just buying your stock and flipping, he'll undercut you by 100-500 credits... on items that are going for he hundreds of thousands if not millions. Undercutting is healthy and usually good for the consumer, but such a small cut just pisses off the guy getting undercut because a lot of buyers just buy whatever is cheapest,. It really doesn't benefit the buyer all that much either. Honestly I feel like just quitting merchanting if I'll end up being undercut by such a paltry amount and end up not selling because of that., and I don't think it's a stretch to say others feel that way too. it won't be good for buyers if there's less sellers.


Man I really want to say this specific guys name because this feels useless without being able to, but the best I can do is just advise people to try and recognizing when this is going on. Be patient with your purchase and take time before you buy a module to really see how it's fluctuating so you don't get gypped. And don't buy from a guy who's only selling <1k credits lower than the guy above him when items reach 100k credits market price. Why am I doing this? Why not just follow suit? Because I think it's crappy practice and I don't want any part of that. I can make a decent amount of credits without being, frankly, a jerk. This is for your benefit, really, because these type of dudes go on trying to monopolize an item until the price reaches ludicrous amount.. It isn't restricted to dyes either, but that's where most of my trade is.



TL'DR: Don't support bad business practice. Be patient with your purchase and try to see how an item is fluctuating in price before buying it. Don't support guys who undercut barely anything and get away with it. Hopefully people care enough and this doesn't fall on deaf ears.

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New to MMO's huh? lol


Like the above poster, good thing you didn't post that in Gen.


You can't dictate what people sell or buy at. Undercutting is the name of the game. I undercut by anywhere from 50 credits to a hundred, maybe more depending on the item(s) I'm selling.

Buying up all the items to resell is what happens. You can't & won't stop that either. You will give up long before that person runs out of credits to do what he's doing to you. Good chance he's sitting on a couple hundred million & making more every time he sells some of your dyes & other items he grabs.

They call that playing the GTN. Quite a few use that as a way to make their millions. Some even stay subbed just to do it, it seems.


Best way for you is to only put a few up at a time for the price you think is "fair". Once they sell, add more. Or price higher so that dude isn't doing that & making as much money off of you.

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To the original poster,


Why do you care? You got the price you were asking for. This is a free market economy, and as such the person reselling the dyes is artificially manipulating the market for impulse shoppers. If you do not care for this tactic, then just manipulate it back. The value of an item is generally not determined by the seller but by the consumer. No one is forced to buy anything as long as they have the time to make or trade for the item they want.


This practice happens in the real world all day long whether it be oil, diamonds, etc.


Just as an FYI- I am not the person doing this. I just believe in an expanded scope of the economy.

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is this a joke thread? this is how you make the big money on the gtn (and how you get fast credits since the flippers will buy your undercut stock nice and fast). you use them; they use you. everyone is a tool and a pawn in a market; emotions have to be checked at the door in such a symbiotic "relationship". beat him at his own game, be happy he's giving you quick credits, or just go run heroics which are wicked lucrative now. Edited by Hoppinswtor
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I think the OP wants to be the small 'Mom and Pop' store that sells to the community instead of being a supplier to a bigger store in the same area.


Can't blame him.


Only thing you can do is raise your prices, make more money off the resellers, or sell person to person....not worth it in this game for 'common' items.

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The correct market price of an item is precisely what people are willing to pay for it. If people are buying and reselling for higher successfully, the price was too low.


There is a time and a place for price controls. The GTN of an online game ain't it however. As mentioned above, you'd be best off selling directly.

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If he undercuts you by 100-500 creds, just buy his stock and relist at your artificially defined "fair" price.


If he buys up all your stock at a "fair" price...congrats. You made a ton of money. List a whole bunch more at that price. He will keep buying them (jokes on him) or the market will deflate (yay for the community.)


Either way it's not bad practice, its actually the signs of a healthy, self-correcting market.

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Just post your dyes at what the market values them at. By posting them for less than they are worth, you're incentivizing this guy to sell them at actual value. For instance, if you post for 100k, but they are selling for 1 mil, people are going to buy your dye and re-sell them. If the market decides that the dyes aren't worth the price this fellow is listing them for, he will have to drop his price to sell the dyes. But if he looks at your dye and thinks he won't be able to profit off of it, he won't buy it and re-list it.


You see this all the time and it is called "playing the GTN." A common place this happens is in mats selling. Someone will list a mat at 100 credits per unit when the next lowest sale is 1,000 credits per unit. It makes sense to buy the cheap mat and re-post at a higher price to profit for no work.

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I normally just go farm for a day and crash the market from dyes at 72 to 100k down to around 25 to 30k per dye. its efficient and cost me nothing to make so mines 100% profit lol. But i have never heard someone actually cry about making money in a post before. This is awesome.
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No, what's making the community go downhill is how you guys act like the self-correcting market is a good thing when in reality all that's really happening is people not giving damn about inflating prices because credits are going the route of Zimbabwe dollars and inflating just as much as market prices.The people who've been playing for a while adapt with the market by just selling and buying for higher accordingly.


But the problem then is that new players don't really get an opportunity to get in, and you get situations such as escrow tokens costing more in game credits then F2P/Preferred characters can even carry, because it's being sold to subs who are about to let their sub run out. It's an insular, completely warped take on what a "self-correcting market" is in practice.


So then, these guys' only options from the get go are to buy the stuff with CCs, sub, do some crazy juggling between alts and do some unnecessary circumvention of the GTN, or leave. Nevermind how much BW hamstrings you at higher levels if you aren't a sub, the community itself shuts you out as well. And then you guys wonder why the community is going "downhill".


With that I've said my piece, and that's ignoring all the people who couldn't even read the original post long enough to understand that I'm not looking for any personal gain from this and I fully realize that all I'm doing is hurting my own bottom line by telling people to be more conscious of the shifting market prices. I guess actually caring about community longevity over self benefit does not compute with you guys. In any case, I'm surprised that this post is still this high up on the server forum even with pretty much no one agreeing with what I said.

Edited by DreamShot
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The community is going downhill because BW is tailoring the game towards pantywaists who care more about dye packs and throwing snowballs than actual content. New players still have the same opportunity to get in as we did when we started playing. How did I make my first million? Dailies, back when there were way way fewer dailies and they gave less credits each. How did I make my first ten? Finding things mispriced on the GTN. How did I make my first hundred? Buying low and selling high.


Go vote for Bernie Sanders for Chancellor, defeating capitalism in the Star Wars Universe.

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heh Where was this thread when folks were selling purple materials for under 1k each right after the 4.0 patch?


The market adjusts. There's nothing stopping you from doing the same as this other person. I don't deal with dyes myself so I know you're not talking about me but I do this quite often with other items. Buy and relist for a higher price. I make millions. I've also been known to buy complete armour sets for folks and give them to someone for free if they ask. Or a special requested mount or weapon. May want to consider where that other person's money is going....

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