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Legacy outfit unlock


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About 3 weeks ago I purchased both upper and lower pieces of the basic female underwear outfit and equipped both pieces. It showed that I unlocked it and so I went into my collections and tried to legacy unlock it and it would not let me. I then logged out of that toon logged into another toon and and still couldn't legacy unlock it. I then preceded to log entirely out of the game and back in to see if that would work and then it didn't work either. Every day since I have logged in everyday and it still doesn't work. I have put 2 tickets in and asked for help and still havn't received any. I got 1 replay that just told me to log out then back in to fix the issue but I had stated in the 1st ticket that I had tried that already and didn't get results so apparently no one read the ticket. I am getting fed up with my words falling on deaf ears and would really appreciate getting some results.
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