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Question about The Empire regarding Aliens


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I'd kill him myself, haha.

I assume that back when companions could originally be killed/refused, executing Xalek was probably an option. It's hard to rationalise taking the little psychopath with you if your Inquisitor is meant to be any kind of light sider. My Sorcerer was a dark side nutcase, though - he murdered Harkun and took Xalek because he was in a hurry.


(why Chiss isn't one of them, I don't know, but that's besides the point)

As far as I know the Chiss are a (relatively recent) ally of convenience to the Empire; they're still self-governing in the Ascendancy and don't fit into the Empire's caste system.


There's an example in the Hoth storyline where we see that, even though Chiss are treated better than most aliens in the Empire, they're still discriminated against and it's almost unheard of for one to reach a high rank in the military.


Edited by Joachimthbear
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That's true. In fact; The SI is also locked, as it's rather clear that Lord Kallig was human; at least near-human (and most likely human due to him being a Sith in a time where racism was even worse than SWTOR era, as well as him being of a "great sith blood line", after all. "Has our bloodline fallen so far that the sons of my sons does not know the name of Kallig? A name so long revered among the Sith" or something like that. So; SI is a human, in fact, since it's almost 100% certain that he can't be a Pureblood.

But while a Warrior can be a "slave scum" and a sorcerer can be pureblood; the stories are however important. That's the entire point of the SI story; to climb from slavery (the lowest of all 8 PCs) to the highest PC (Dark Council; highest position one can get in SWTOR as a PC.). This is the entire point of the story; to climb the furthest; to be the most ambitious PC, to have enemies everywhere from the start and very few allies, etc. I agree that they could've made the game more "all-species friendly", but it's hard to make good stories that's open for all. Not that it can't be done, but I personally enjoy the way they did it in SWTOR.


I think you might have misunderstood my point. My idea was to separate class and story.


Step 1. Pick your class

Step 2. Pick your story

Step 3. Based on Step 2 pick from allowed races


Mechanically my class may be "Sith Warrior" but there is no reason why that has to mean I follow what is the currently "SW only" story. Depending on your species selection it could be downright ridiculous to presume Tremel would pick a Twi'lek or Chiss over the "mixed blood" of Vemrin. Similarly exactly why would Harkun care if a sith pureblood became Zash's apprentice? Yeah the former slave thing is an embarrassment, but at least he has pure blood.


In such a way more stories could be opened up to more classes. New stories could be periodically added. All without needing to add new, and quite possibly redundant, classes.


"Republic SIS Agent", "Imperial Trooper", "Republic Bounty Hunter", etc. These could all just be stories that one or more classes could fit into. Furthermore new stories like "Former Sith converted to the Jedi" or "Fallen Jedi that joins the Sith" could be added to simulate faction switching. I know it is way past too late for this to be implemented, but it would have been fun.

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i was digging deep into the story to also the arc story from the tatooine


and figure out that the rakata race is maybe the oldest race alive and had already force powers also the the lighting


that sith uses and they want there own empire

i said we have a empire and he sais we take him to :eek:


so yea what if that rakate already pulling the strings from the begining ??

it always amazing me how much power the empire had in the beging that even can destroy a planet


so he can easy whipe rep of this planet but what was holding him back ??


and in the dream of the new story the empire said am free ad last from what is he free ??


and not to mention the gravestone a alien ship :confused: seems allot off pll want him/her


not to mention The Black Codex never no what info was on it

so many secrets in my few


so thats what i think atm


sorry for me english

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