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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How can this Jugg Force Charge this often?


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Hi guys,


I was playing a PVP game and I came across a Juggernaut which I noticed that could force jump to me too often. I was playing with a friend who also noticed this.


We checked the battle logs to see the exact timing of his force charge, and we discovered that he managed to jump twice in less than 6 seconds!


If Force Charge has 15 second cooldown, and assuming that he had the utility Warmonger, which reduces its cooldown by 1 second every 1.5 second, that would make for a total of 9 second cooldown, right?


We thought he could have enough alacrity rating to do so, but we then checked his equipment, and he only had 79 alacrity rating (1.05% alacrity), so it is totally impossible to reduce the 9 second cooldown to less than 6 seconds.


To prove this, I attach screenshots here: http://imgur.com/a/PqzmA


Can anyone explain how this is possible? Thanks!

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Did he use Force Push during those six seconds? That resets the cooldown on leap. It's the one thing I can think of that your post does not account for (but I might be missing a passive somewhere in Immortal or Rage specs).


Also Rage juggs get a short range (less than 10m) leap called Obliterate that is on a separate cooldown, now that I think about it.

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