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Legacy question before I make a new character...


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I have it turned off on some of my characters. Just cause the name's don't sound right.


But thats your own fault for thinking of a legacy name like "lightbringer"


The legacy makes sense. I mean look at Skywalker. There is a light jedi and a dark jedi. So they can be both sides. I see no problem with interspecies as well. No saying a zabrak and a human can't be related. and so on.


I have 6 guys and 5 of htem show my legacy name. 1 doesn't, and its for reasons of the two names being both last name soundy already so didn't want that.

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When I first started playing the game, I thought we weren't going to have surnames at all and I was extremely disappointed. Then I found out about the legacy system, and as a fellow roleplayer, I was even more bummed at the thought of having to tie all my characters together.


However, after some rethinking and retooling of my characters in my head, I was able to come up with something I thoroughly enjoy. Now, having worked my idea around the system, I'm enjoying it more than ever, perhaps even more than I would have if all my characters had remained individual, unrelated characters.


I would suggest being flexible with it. I know, I was seriously bummed (sending the devs strongly worded messages kind of bummed) about the surname limitations, but as things often go, limitations breed creativity. If you can loosen your grip on your concept just enough to fashion your characters in a way that makes sense together, I think you'll find yourself enjoying your stable of characters even more.


For example, after I got all my characters made, I began to make a family tree and write out their story. I won't bog this thread down with the stories, but here's the family tree to give you an idea of what I mean.




All of the characters save Hawke and Dragas use "Vale" as their last name. Dragas and Hawke just have "The Vale Legacy" as a title under their name. Dragas just has one name, cause all truly evil bad guys only NEED one name. And Hawke only has one name because that was his nickname when he ferried soldiers on Ord Mantell (was an orphan with no name or memory of his family, yada yada).


I hope you guys having big problems with this system find a way to enjoy it as much as I am currently. I would have never thought I'd be posting something like this a month ago, but here I am, a proponent of the legacy system. :)

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