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A few questions about PvP from a noob.


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So I have only just stuck my toe into PvP (for the 4x Quest of course). But I have discovered that I kinda like it and want to do more, but I have a few questions about it.


1: The advanced PvP gear vendors seem to require the non-advanced version of the gear you want, does this have to be complete, or can it be an empty shell after you take the mods out of it? If it has to be complete can it work if you put the mods back in?


2: Is there a list somewhere of what all you can get medals for? I'm wondering since in a few matches it has been a bit hard to get the 8 medals that the tooltip says is for max rewards.


3: on the scoreboard at the end some players names are highlighted in a different color, what does this signify if anything?


4: In most games I had fun but in the one 4v4 game I was in I spent the entire time stun-locked by 3 assassins who would surprise attack, kill one of us and stealth away. Is there something I'm missing here that counters that or did I just hit a good team using good tactics?

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1) can be the empty shell

2) if there only was a search thing of sorts with which one could find things on the internet


3) the highlighted (green) players are your own team, the others are the opponents

4) not much you can do by yourself if 3 sins play like that, countering it would require a team effort, i.e. the others preventing you getting killed by means of cc/peels etc

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