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Any Fix coming for broken unstoppable?


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Your description of the problem is very lacking. Unstoppable doesn't cover everything; you need to combine it with the Brawn passive in Vengeance to get the full immunity that Vengeance used to have before Unstoppable became a utility point.


I haven't noticed any issues, and one of my main characters is a Vengeance jugg with Unstoppable.


Without details on why you believe it's broken, it is quite difficult to help you.

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well I said its not working at all, Rage spec, put my point into unstoppable and it dosnt work in the least, I can be force choked, slowed, rooted, pushed, stunned, feared right after force charge, every single time.


Of these, it won't work for Force Choke (or other hard stuns), nor fear/mez. IIRC it gives immunity to movement impairment (i.e. slows/roots) but not physics (i.e. Force push) but that might be backwards.


If you're taking the utility point expecting immunity to everything, you are doing it wrong and need to read the tooltip very, very closely. If, after reading the tooltip very very closely and verifying that the CC you are experiencing should have been covered (and also keep in mind Unstoppable has a very short duration, and skilled players will wait for it to end and then CC you), then and only then should you /bug it.


A lot of us went through similar experiences when Unstoppable was removed from Vengeance and reintroduced as a utility tax. There's a lot of fine print in the tooltips as to what is covered by Unstoppable, and what is covered by the passive that is still in the Vengeance discipline.


Read the fine print.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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well if you hit the K button and look at the ability "Unstoppable" there is nothing to read very very very carefully it says very plainly "Unstoppable-Force charge grants unstoppable, granting immunity to movement-impairing effects and effects that push or pull you around for 4 secs" that's word per word so without twisting any words around or reading between the lines its anything that stops your movement or pushes you away for 4secs after charge, so if I charge in and get force choked and cant move it dosnt work, or if I charge in and get force pushed out then it didn't work, if I charge in and get slowed then it didn't work, if I I charge and and get feared and cant move then it didn't work.
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Force choke is counted as a stun, not a movement impairing effect. This is not a bug and is not broken. As Adrian said, it needs to be paired with Robust from the vigilance tree to work as you perceived it. Edited by g_land
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seems like you stopped reading at force choke. It dosnt stop anything, so yes it is broken.


Nope, I bet you just don't realize how quick that 4 seconds is. Unstoppable applies when you activate force charge (1 gcd = 1.5 seconds) then you land and activate another ability (2nd gcd = 3.0 seconds) ability #2 (3rd gcd and 2nd after landing = 4.5 seconds). Basically you only have an uptime on the ability of 2.5 seconds when it is actually useful depending on how far you force charge but the variance in time of animation won't be that drastic so you lose that first gcd. If you are against a good player they know to wait that extra half second after it takes the human reaction time to process the information. If you make it even easier on them and immediately cast ravage, you give them a visible timer that they can look at to tell them exactly when to hit you with whatever ability they are going to use.

Edited by g_land
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Its instant, so ill brake it down, I enrage, force charge (flying though the air like a bad*****) land, go to cast next attack and bam, instantly either pushed, choked, feared, slowed...whatever, no pause, no immunity, it dosnt work plain and simple, iv speced out of it and went with pooled hatred, it dosnt work at all in pvp.
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