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Gear still indestructible (doesn't break)


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I assume this is still a bug. I haven't had the need to repair my gear for about 2 weeks now despite doing all the weekly heroics and ops and everything.


it's not that I mind saving repair bill, but I feel compelled to report that is bug still exists.


I have now done my duty and reported this and therefore don't feel ashamed for saving credits on repairs now until you fix this.

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I noticed i still get repair bills on characters under level 50. Perhaps a flag got switched somewhere?


I get this as well, but my 65 toons dont get damaged gear. my low ones do and for some, its the opposite, which is better imo, but everyone should get repair bills.


You're that kid in class who reminds the teacher that homework is due.


cry me a river man. if it is not intended, it is a bug and I for one would like to play a game that works as intended

Edited by Fallerup
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everyone should get repair bills.


And people wonder why I don't touch PuG content nowadays...


Getting 40K+ in repair bills (no, I'm often not the cause of wipes) is no-one's idea of a good time (except perhaps masochists and griefers/trolls, who infested many KDY gps of mine back in the day), this is one bug (IF it is that) BW:A should NOT fix at all.


It would encourage people to PuG FPs (Tactical and HM) more often, and do Ops, and WBs.


By the by, just why were "compelled" to report it? Is saving credits really such a bad thing?


Bug or not, it's NOT a big deal; unlike some bugs or other features are/were...


As always, BW:A will do whatever it does; I really don't care if you hate repair bills or can't get enough of them, OP.


The devs will either change it back, or not; I, for one, am happy that credits of mine aren't going to waste.

Edited by sentientomega
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Why is anyone complaining about this? It is a good thing. Players are less likely to kick noobs from flashpoints and operations. Not risking massive repair bills allows me to tolerate newer player better and helps me learn different roles when I care to try them out.


Exactly, it's such a huge win; group content may now be MORE popular than ever, Tacticals, WBs, HM FPs, Ops.


That said, I do wish that BW:A's Community team put out a statement, however brief, saying whether it is a bug or not.


Perhaps that weren't counting on people complaining about this, and if that is so, I cannot say I wouldn't share any bafflement that may or may not be experiencing regarding negative reactions concerning a lack of repair bills.


But right now, as things are, I may well PuG for an Op.

Edited by sentientomega
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Out of all the bugs in this game, i would rather they spend their time fixing them instead of this. For example...


Both companions Veeroa Denzand and Choza Rabaat are force users withe force skill set, but they are getting Tech Power when they should be getting Force Power.

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Out of all the bugs in this game, i would rather they spend their time fixing them instead of this. For example...


Both companions Veeroa Denzand and Choza Rabaat are force users withe force skill set, but they are getting Tech Power when they should be getting Force Power.


Is their healing, damage, and mitigation, significantly diminished as a result, compared to other companions of the same or similar rank?

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Why is anyone complaining about this? It is a good thing. Players are less likely to kick noobs from flashpoints and operations. Not risking massive repair bills allows me to tolerate newer player better and helps me learn different roles when I care to try them out.


I'm not. I'm just reporting the bug, like everyone should have done.


Exactly, it's such a huge win; group content may now be MORE popular than ever, Tacticals, WBs, HM FPs, Ops.


That said, I do wish that BW:A's Community team put out a statement, however brief, saying whether it is a bug or not.


Perhaps that weren't counting on people complaining about this, and if that is so, I cannot say I wouldn't share any bafflement that may or may not be experiencing regarding negative reactions concerning a lack of repair bills.


But right now, as things are, I may well PuG for an Op.


if credits are your big concern by wiping, considering how easily they are to come by, then maybe you should stay away from PuGs. I don't PuG now because of the human aspect of it. a PuG is more likely to have rage quitting elitists in it than your selective group made up of guildies. I hate elitists, I despise them in fact. I don't care about credits, I have enough to do around.


Out of all the bugs in this game, i would rather they spend their time fixing them instead of this. For example...


Both companions Veeroa Denzand and Choza Rabaat are force users withe force skill set, but they are getting Tech Power when they should be getting Force Power.


they should fix all the bugs and not be selective. this goes for the missing teleport thing for the "false history" mission.


Oh and... if it was intended that people shouldn't get repair bills anymore, it would be this way for everyone. if you read the replies in this thread, some people have the opposite bug where their lowbies dont have repair bills but their max level ones do and one had the bug where it switch between working and not working. so this is in fact a bug.

Edited by Fallerup
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they should fix all the bugs and not be selective.


If you ever worked in the software development industry -- game-based or other -- you would know this is patently false and is, in fact, a dangerous way of operating if your goal is to maximize resources and user/player satisfaction.


First off, there is a concept of severity (technology facing) and priority (business facing) for bugs. That alone would tell you that being selective is necessary. If I have a high priority, high severity bug -- even if only one of them -- that's going to take precedence over low severity, low priority bugs -- even if there are many of the latter.


When you have limited resources -- i.e., people to fix bugs, regression tests to determine side-effects of fixes, etc -- then you absolutely select those bugs that are the most game breaking and that cause the most harm from a business perspective (i.e., bad word of mouth, etc).


This being said, I'm one of those that agree with you: if it's a bug, it is worth reporting. It's not the job of people here to decide what bugs should and should not be reported. Players can help determine severity but only Bioware can and will determine priority. (Whether we, as players, think they get it wrong or right is a different issue, of course.) While I agree with you on that, I'm also with others that this bug -- if it is such -- should be very low on their priority of things to fix given that there are bugs that stop story progression from even happening, as well as bugs impacting companion interaction, and so on.

Edited by JeffNyman
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Trust me this Depends on the gear used.

my 65 sentinel in 220s has the @no damage@ "bug" thing


However as soon as I equip ANY non adaptatable armor/gear I have repair COSTs......


Maybe a bit redused but they are still there.


Besides........not paying the "overly" expensive repir COSTs actually helps when you "need th credit" grinding

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Is their healing, damage, and mitigation, significantly diminished as a result, compared to other companions of the same or similar rank?


Companions at lower influence rank do more damage and more healing, influence doesn't effect mitigation thru armor, defense, shield, or absorb. It only gives them more HP's, meaning a Rank 1 companion getting hit for 10K will take the same 10k damage even at rank 50.

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