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Respec bug


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Not sure if anybody else encountered this. When I go from Carnage back to Fury/Annihilation my ataru stance is removed from quickbar, but juyo form is added to other spot and the spot where ataru form was seems blank but you cannot put any ability there. Reloading UI does not fix this, but I think relogging/changing instance does.
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Not sure if anybody else encountered this. When I go from Carnage back to Fury/Annihilation my ataru stance is removed from quickbar, but juyo form is added to other spot and the spot where ataru form was seems blank but you cannot put any ability there. Reloading UI does not fix this, but I think relogging/changing instance does.
Yes! This is a new one for me. I've encountered bugs where I can't commit utilities (supposedly fixed) and having to retrain baseline abilities that were replaced by the Discipline I just abandoned.


When I abandoned Fury, the slot I had Furious Strike in would not let me drop any abilities into that spot. When I spec'd into Fury, I put Furious Strike in a different spot and when abandoned, the new spot would not allow any abilities to be placed there.

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