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Stalking the score resetting on its own?


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I have previously done this mission with other chars, had no problem


I had influence up to 6 by killing those jag things on hoth.

Now on my JK, I was with a group that killed 2 WBs, once on tatooine, and once on Nar Shaddaa.

Neither case did the required object for Qyzen drop.

So, I went to Talk to qyzen, and he gave me the initial conversation again. I still have my 6 score, but didn't get credit for the 2 WB kills.

Which sucks, because its wasting my time and effort for nothing.

Edited by Shayddow
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The World Boss on Nar Shaddaa is not eligible. He's not on Qyzen's list, he is not worthy of any Jagganath. Probably because he's a robot, and robots don't have souls, nor do they drop anything you can make a nice coat out of.


Also... World Bosses are only worth Jagganath ONCE, and Once Only. I assume that, if your Influence with Qyzen is at 6, you turned in some Boss Pelts, and that's why you're not getting pelts from those same bosses a second time.

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