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Patch Size Details - Download Percentage Bar


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Dear (clearly Darkside) Update Droids,


Please please please I beg of thee can you lot change the ludicrous and highly inaccurate percentage bar to reflect data downloaded and how much is remaining?


Its an incredible pain every patch to scour the internet forums until i find somebody who has posted the patch size, some of us are in countries (South Africa) with prohibitive internet costs and have limited bandwidth, and need to plan around this.


Never mind the to date 23 days of subscription I have been unable to use, this is a 3rd world issue that is not Bioware's problem of course, but forewarned is forearmed. AT THE VERY LEAST can we have a post in the patch notes of the size of the update?


Thanking you in advance

Pamela Scott

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I second this.


I only have wireless broadband (Australia) when I'm away for work which is approx. $10/Gb (yeah a big FU to Telstra). If I see a big patch for a game I just wait until I get home to patch on the cable. Tonight I let it run the patcher because it just said 'Installing' and have now discovered it was approx. 2Gb! So that cost me about $20 to patch a game :(

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