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Is lightning sorcerer a good solo class nowadays?


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Hi guys! I'm thinking of rolling a new Sith Inquisitor toon and while I have an Assassin (love the Stealth mechanic) I want to try my hand at lightning sorc. I've been hearing (and seeing) a lot of people have this class in game and I've seen lightning coming down from above (very cool effect btw).


My question is this: is LS a good easy class for a solo player? (I've read on Dulfy that its rotation difficulty is 5 so I'm a little worried. However that was during SWTOR 3.0. Could any of you Sorcs tell me how it is in 4.0? Is it still hard or easy to solo?


Thanks! :)

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Hi guys! I'm thinking of rolling a new Sith Inquisitor toon and while I have an Assassin (love the Stealth mechanic) I want to try my hand at lightning sorc. I've been hearing (and seeing) a lot of people have this class in game and I've seen lightning coming down from above (very cool effect btw).


My question is this: is LS a good easy class for a solo player? (I've read on Dulfy that its rotation difficulty is 5 so I'm a little worried. However that was during SWTOR 3.0. Could any of you Sorcs tell me how it is in 4.0? Is it still hard or easy to solo?


Thanks! :)


I've played all advanced classes myself, and got about half of them to top level, counting mirrors... That said, the class I've had the least trouble with in general - not counting lag or ability delay, which is not a problem I can solve myself but a "game perk" at this point :p - is indeed Lightning Sorc. Personal opinions below. :)


Force Management is very forgiving, procs arrive steadily while levelling but without rush, so you can adapt easily over time. And your rotation doesn't change that much through levelling - you'll just have to add one thing here or there when you gain it, but that's all.

You can heal for a bit without too much trouble, which makes soloing content easy, if you know how to deal with mobs - CCing the right enemies helps a lot. ;)


The Defensive Cooldowns are very nice too.

Godbubble allows you to get some breathing time, and with the Heal-while-Bubbled Utility (Top tier, comes at high level) you're pretty much independant in a PvE environment. Still, I prefer a different setup that emphasizes mobility, so I took it to experiment but ultimately discarded it. :D

Static Barrier absorbs some nice damage on its own accord, and allows you to resist a fair bit, considering you're the class that gets the least off of Armor Rating. :)

Force Speed also procs 2 casted attacks and turnes them into instants you can use while kiting. So it's both defensive and offensive, in a way. :rolleyes:

Unnatural Preservation is an instant selfheal with some nice potential, a good emergency button for those moments in which you are eating an attack because of bad timing of an interrupt and you need to survive badly. And Resurgence is a very nice and not too costly Heal on Time you can keep on yourself constantly without trouble. ;)


All in all, I'd say Lightning Sorc is in a good spot atm. Forgiving enough even on a new player, so long as said player has a clue of what to do. :)

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Yeah, it's very easy.


I quickly leveled a Lightning Sorcerer during 12XP. Not the greatest single target DPS, but the game is predominantly mob clearing. Just use a healer or tank comp. Tank if you don't mind some damage but want to keep the mobs off you and grouped on your comp for AOE rofl-stomping.


You can pretty much just spam Force Storm early on. Then it's just a matter of learning what proc's Chain Lightning and avoiding all the activations.


[Edit: Cox covered it in a lot more detail, but I think we're saying the same thing ;)]

Edited by DocDAM
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All in all, I'd say Lightning Sorc is in a good spot atm. Forgiving enough even on a new player, so long as said player has a clue of what to do. :)

My experience on this class/spec doesn't go beyond level 19, but I can confirm the "clue" part. I left Korriban at level 16 during 12x XP, and got into a group to do Black Talon. So Far So Good, but read on...


The group was my Lightning Sorc at 16, a Mara, a BH (I think), and a Jugg (single sabre, anyway). Their levels were, in no particular order, 10, 12, and 14, so we made a nice sequential set of numbers.


So in we went. They seemed to be on a speed run, so I was busy enough keeping up that I couldn't really concentrate on phenomenology(1) until we got to the bonus in the loading bay, where you end up fighting a champion-level droid.


So there I am, in marginal-power light armour, out-pacing the rest of them, and effing facetanking the droid.


In marginal-power light armour and using a class I don't even vaguely know well.


In marginal-power light armour getting beaten on by a champion level droid using a class I don't even vaguely know well.


With my health evaporating like crazy.


Stop fighting, start reading tooltips, while the droid is still beating on me.


Ah, found it! Bubble up, self-heal like mad. Recovered. Resume beating up the droid, from inside the bubble, naturally.


All I can really say is, "Don't do it like this, boys and girls!" During the whole FP, one person issued healing, and one person received it. Both those people were my character.


(1) Phenomenology: the study of phenomena, in context meaning "watch what's happening". Like the fact that I kept on ripping aggro off the rest of them.

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Solo'd BT tactical with Khem tanking on Monday (still full companion nerf), L16 sync'd to 10, mediocre gear on my F2P account which has no class/Presence bonuses at all. Squid guy took out Qyzen right when I finished him off, otherwise no problem. Though boss fights were a lot longer than they used to be.


Leveling should not be a problem.

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the opener of Hardcasting chain lighting -> Force Storm -> proced Chain lightning will take down most silver or weaker mobs, or at least leave them very weakened.


The way I have my bindings set is Force Storm/Chain Lightning/Lightning Strike/Shock (which is the weakest of the lot IMHO) but I will try setting Chain Lightning first.


I'm having so much fun that I'm a little scared that they'll nerf LS :/

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