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Thats it EA, I'm canelling account, this will not be stood for


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I was playing other day and a mob actually hit me back




since when did mobs start hitting back??????


Cancelled account on the spot


How dare they put such a TEDIOUS UNENDING PAINFUL MORBID GRIND into game that I stand the chance of being hit back by the creature I attacked and am killiing for no other reason then it was in my way




heh for the humor impaired thats a exageration (but not a huge one) of what actually happened here this past week.

Edited by Kalfear
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OMG THAT HAPPENED TO ME TOO! Well, something similar.


I was like , just chilling, minding my own business while Lana dealt with the mobs n' ****, WHEN THEN, OUT OF NO WHERE, A WILD HAIRY-*** MOTHAFLICKING WOOKIE came along and just like slapped me with his spear! W T F?? AND IT MADE MY HEALTH DROP BY A WHOLE 2%%%!!!!




I'm sorry, but I don't play games to just like 'not' be completly immortal, that's total boring BS, I have a life you know.


Calling it quits too.

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I remember in FFXI, once you got to level 20 you had to group up with people because soloing was not an option. You just couldn't kill a mob by urself. I come to this game and man.........


SWTOR players are just spoiled. I remember camping Notorious Monsters for weeks if not months for one piece of gear. And trying to lay claim to that mob before 10 other people would try to get it. Then wait hours for the repop only to not get the drop cause of a 2% drop rate. Which is why it would take weeks if not months sometimes.

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I remember in FFXI, once you got to level 20 you had to group up with people because soloing was not an option. You just couldn't kill a mob by urself. I come to this game and man.........



hehe I still have nightmares about that damn beach and having to get a full group just to kill Crabs :D LOL


Original EQ was like that as well for most part (except for Bards and Druids....but you better like kiting if you wanna solo with those classes)


I gotta admit, I dont really miss forced grouping found in the older MMORPGs

But I definately do miss getting that feeling of accomplishment when you managed to get that special item or even skill


I remember in EQ, on my server I was always one of the first to learn languages so not a day would go by with out getting some request to teach Giant or Dragon or what ever (I forget now, was so many of them in that game, was really kinda cool)


And I miss players haveing reputations


Way back in NWN on AOL I remember everyone in the game knew who certain players were because of their skill and ability in PVP. Beating them was not a easy thing so it was veiwed as a accomplishment. A badge of honor so to speak.


Fast forward many years to DAoC and you had much the same thing in RVR.

Some players carried reputations for being the very best

Some players were stratagists and natural leaders

Some were designed for seige warfare

So were insanely good assassins


Now a days the first thing you hear when someone wins is "they were hacking" or "Flavor of the month class"

And honestly its not that big a stretch to say those things


Most modern MMORPG gamers (WOW to now) could never have adapted to the older days of the genre.

They wouldnt comprehend the community aspect in game

And they certainly would have objected to REAL GRIND

I gotta admit I damn near l my !!!! off every time I see some poster whine about Grind in this game.

Just shows how absolutely clueless they really are on what real grind is


Not saying the old games were always better

they made many mistakes as well

but these new games so focused on trying to reproduce WOWs fluky success that they have ignored all the good stuff that was in this genre before WOW (and the games that came after WOW)


Gotta admit, if someone took all the good things from the old pre WOW MMORPGs and compiled them togather

I would gladly pay subscription for that game


Ther eis a reason all these MMORPGs need to go F2P now a days.

Its cause they simply not worth anything more then F2P


My original post was a joke, sarcasm at the disgusting display of entitlement shown this past week by spoiled little children upset everything wasnt just handed to them outright.


But my cancelation wasnt.

Early Dec and my account closes down

Many reasons from EA not fixing 2+ year old bugs, Rishi Datacrons still bugged (as two examples but whole host of bugs that remain unfixed for months and years)

to their insultingly fast response to a bunch of whiners throwing a tantrum

to the horrible conquest crafting nerf so they could try and force pvp on people (Id rather cancel account then be forced into SWTOR craptastic pvp content)

to non game related issues having zero to do with SWTOR or gaming at all

But also a big reason is how boring the combat in this game is now

Its been dumbed down so badly that its dull and uninspired.

Its just dull dull dull

When you have no chance at dieing,

the thrill of combat no longer exists

And when the thrill of combat gone, all the acheivement and titles and goals are meaningless as they took no particular skill or ability to obtain.


If they ever made a normal difficulty server where the normal standard mobs were the difficulty of the Star fortress H2 elites, and everything after that was scaled upward fromt here. I would so move to play on that server as winning would not just be a forgone conclussion and players would actually have to think and plan and stratagize for combat.

Edited by Kalfear
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It's amazing how many people post here that have just plain awful senses of humor.


No, doubt! I was gonna ask for all his stuff and credits.

Now i got to wait for someone to really quit now.

God knows how long that will take.



Oh crap, someone in General Discussion is vowing to cancel their account.

I got to go b4 someone else ask for his stuff.

Its Mine, Its Mine i say. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!


*DON'T MESS with CRAZY* :D:p:):cool:;):rolleyes::o:(:eek::mad:

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you should add ''tedious'' to grind because it was in all the best i quit posts.also bring in elitists or it's not going to work.


Good idea but why stop there


saw your Tedious and raised you a unending, painful, morbid :D


Though must be careful not to use to many words or the special snowflake tantrum crowd with shift back into the "Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, you used more characters then twitter allows, I not reading a novel" crowd :D

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I remember in FFXI, once you got to level 20 you had to group up with people because soloing was not an option. You just couldn't kill a mob by urself. I come to this game and man.........


SWTOR players are just spoiled. I remember camping Notorious Monsters for weeks if not months for one piece of gear. And trying to lay claim to that mob before 10 other people would try to get it. Then wait hours for the repop only to not get the drop cause of a 2% drop rate. Which is why it would take weeks if not months sometimes.


And that is why I didn't play FFXI... and I imagine a lot of other people didn't either...

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And that is why I didn't play FFXI... and I imagine a lot of other people didn't either...


imagine what ever you want


Their game was actually quite busy and getting groups was rarely any difficulty


Contrary to your imagination, Before WOW dumbed everything down, players in MMORPGs expected to group and interact and make social connections.

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