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Jedi Sage (female) - Lieutenant Iresso


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I have posted this in the Jedi Sage discussion board as well but perhaps it belongs here. Anyway...


I have some concerns regarding the influence gain and subsequent conversations with Lieutenant Iresso as a Jedi Sage (female). If you design future conversations or interactions with this character, could you please stop pushing my own character towards having sexual relations with him without resorting to rudeness or rejection? I feel this is quite limited in terms of character roleplay and it appears the only way to gain influence with this character through interaction is by sexual intercourse. I find this highly irritating and somewhat offensive as almost all conversations seem to be of a sexual nature and I feel this highly contradicts the persona of my character. I should be able to gain and improve his relationship to me without direct relations and yet I find in most conversations 2 out of 3 dialogue options are directly related to "getting in the sack", which my character has no interest in.


I have enjoyed the rpg experience of SWTOR so far, but this has been a bit of a setback for me. Please do include more options in the future which allow me to improve my relationship with Lieutenant Iresso without sexual relations.

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Hint: While you have some control over your RP character you don't have total control. I wanted my sith to shock one of his companions, and they never gave me the option to. My BH wanted to space or at the very least force Skadge off his ship, but again, no option to do so. Quinn... well.. let's not even get into Quinn.


Look at it this way. Your companion really wants to have sex with you and he's not going to be fully happy with you unless it happens, that's real life. That said, even disapproves build influence.

Edited by StarMagus
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I honestly don't remember needing to be all that rude to Iresso to reject his advances. I only remember one conversation where I had to reject him making a pass at my character and she said something like "Even a Padawan knows risk could lead to disaster."


That's not really rude, that's a metaphor for why she won't break the Jedi Code.

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I just had 2 or 3 in a row where I was constantly searching for a way out of it. He is persistent if nothing else. But the conversation options that allowed me to escape his ghastly clutches certainly lead to some "awkwardness" in terms of dialogue. And even if in a previous conversations I have spurned his advances he still keeps going at it, I find it very frustrating and unnecessary...
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First off, he's not persistent. When you see "[Flirt]" that's YOU flirting. Not him. YOU!


Said that twice, because many people don't see to get that very simple concept. When you see the binocular mission, you get a flirt option with your chat options and she NEVER flirted with you.


So, it isn't Iresso coming on strong. That's BW giving you a limited number of options and some of them suck, a lot! My SI had three options...turn down marriage, turn down marriage, be really mean and nasty to Revel. It came off so nasty, I decided it was better to cheat on him :p

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But the conversation options that allowed me to escape his ghastly clutches certainly lead to some "awkwardness" in terms of dialogue.


"Ghastly clutches" you sure you're not talking about Doc lol because he's the one for me at least that never took "no" for an answer :p


I didn't romance Iresso on one of my female Consulars but it never came off to me the way you're describing.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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There should be a point where your rejection causes him to stop pursuing you. Having said that, I levelled my two consulars an extraordinarily long time ago and romanced him both times. However I levelled a SI not too long ago with a view not to romance anyone. I never used a flirt option with Andronikos and let me tell you, once the rejection was set in stone, the rest of the conversations became boring in the extreme. I remember one was literally two lines - he said something inane, I said something inane, end of conversation. The conversations are skewed very heavily towards you pursuing a romance.


The only thing I can recommend is choose the nicest possible non-flirt option that most suits your RP goals. Never flirt, ever, if a romance doesn't interest you. Just be prepared for some crazy-boring conversations afterwards. He won't ever turn into your really interesting platonic friend.

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Just be prepared for some crazy-boring conversations afterwards.

This! On all of them. Compare the conversation options for the trooper-Jorgan conversation "Surprise Inspection":



Male trooper:

1. Bland something.

2. Infinitely bland something else.

3 Bland yet another thing.


Female trooper: (This is the first [Flirt] while he is a companion, so there's no option for a deactivated romance, but if there were, it would look like the male options.)

1. Bland something.

2. [Flirt] Are you going to inspect my equipment?

3. Bland yet another thing.


And the VA makes it clear that she is talking about the "equipment" inside the armour...


Oh, and the female trooper is more proof that it is you flirting with him: the first kiss scene (watch it, it must be on YouTube...)



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I didn't romance Iresso on one of my female Consulars but it never came off to me the way you're describing.


I didn't romance Iresso and I can confirm that if you don't initiate the romance flag (by choosing [Flirt] options), nothing sexual ever comes up.


Re; the last couple of posts, though, he still has a companion story and the conversations aren't overly brief...

Edited by Zorbiax
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