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Marauders need major survivability buff


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Why do you assume that everyone that plays this game played Warcraft? I was an 8 year vet of SWG, never moved to that game. You aren't helping anybody by acting like a political commercial.


Save the mud slinging guys, some of you believe that nothing needs to change, and that's fine. Several of you have even given tips and tricks and I thank you for that. (I'm also making the assumption that you were beta testers and had time to work a bit of this out)


But some people like myself wish that they didn't have to constantly fight to survive against equal level non-elite mobs.


I don't think Marauder needs huge sweeping changes, but a tweak towards more damage avoidance maybe wouldn't hurt.


That's the problem

You're trying to reason with people who think they're uber and telling people to L2P posting stupid screenshots and assuming everybody played WoW when all you want is some survivability while doing missions. No matter how many people complain these douches will barge in with their stupid screenshots of how much dmg they did in a ball game lol and tell everyone that the class is fine and you dunno how to play.

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i have played every other class, i was in beta for 6 months. i have more then the 3 weeks of game experiance that you seem to have.



If you knew ANYTHING about the game you would know how pointless your post is. But my guess is you are just some kid from wow who think that the game is a unbalanced pile of crap because skill is needed to play a class correctly.



While i do agree that there is not much wrong with the class, you are kind of a chode about it.


also THEN =/= THAN.....


If you knew ANYTHING about english you would know how dumb it makes you look.

Edited by jimlaheysadrunk
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As a solo Marauder I both agree and disagree...


1st I hate those trolls who are getting up this guy saying "wa wa wa, me me me, l2p l2p", He is obviously frustrated, give him some space to rage and then give him some feedback.




Personally, I do find some fights tough, I use Quinn to heal and I am 35 deep into rage (lvl 43). With the correct rotation you can pretty easily drop 3-4 mobs quick....


leap>crush>battering>smash>(pommel one)scream another>fills (I often slow>kick, or sweeping to finish off a few low health) rinse and repeat...


with that rotation you enter on a soft target, by smash he is dead (others at 2/3-ish health), say you have 4 more, they are stunned, get a pommel off on one, likely dead (thats 2 within what 4 gcds?) slow and kick another, dead, finish off last.


This rotation has been excellent for me, recently switched from carnage...


As for PvP, you are a weaker target, but stronger than most, here is some advice...


1. pick a target, a healer will work (like a channeler, inq maybe), leap in, cop the stun DO NOT UNLEASH! pop BOTH shields (yes, both) then proceed to combo them; crush, battering, smash and scream, you can use your interrupt if needed.


Now if they are not dead, you will be CC'd, your resolve bar will also be full so pop unleash, get your 10%hp and choke/smash/scream again. If you have a moron healer glancing at you and occasionally HoTing you, you can pull this off...


If I get low, I pop undying>health pack>crush>smash>choke the 99% reduction will last till choke.


This is best case of course, but you can roflstomp pretty much any class.... yes, even powertech thanks to shii-cho mastery.


All without expertise :p


Marauders can be *****, weak and UP, but they can also be the best dps/cc pvp class around.



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